Length: 600 ft
Beam: 80 ft
Draft: 28 ft
Displacement: 14,500 tons
Propulsion: All-electric Drive with (IPS), 2 Rolls-Royce MT30 Gas Turbines 36MW, 2 shafts
Speed: 30 knots
Crew: 142
Airwing: 2 SH-60 or 1 MH-60R, & 3 MQ-8 VTUAVs
- 80 x PVLS (Std, ESSM, Tomahawk, VLASROC)
- 2 × 155mm Advanced Gun Systems
- 2 × Mk 110 57 mm gun CIWS
- 4 × 0.50 in (12.7 mm) machine guns
Ships in class: 3 building
DDG-1000 ZumwaltDDG-1000, U.S.S. Zumwalt was launched on October 28, 2013, without fanfare. She will be christened in the Spring of 2013 and is expected to be commissioned in 2015. Her construction began in 2009 and her keel laying was conducted November 17, 2011. With modular construction, what used to be the intial major milestone of construction, now occurs later in the process, this case when the ship was 60% complete.
DDG-1001 Michael Monsoor
DDG-1002 Lyndon B. Johnson
The Zumwalt-class destroyer (DDG-1000) represents next-generation multi-mission destroyer technology for the US NAvy that is tailored for land attack and littoral dominance, combined with a strong anti-surface and anti-air capability. DDG 1000 will provide forward presence and deterrence, and operate as an integral part of joint and combined expeditionary forces. The program was previously known as the DD-21, and then the "DD(X)". They will take the place of the Iowa class battleships in filling the congressional mandate for naval fire support, though the requirement was reduced to allow them to fill this role.
USS Zumwalt (DDG-1000) is to be the lead ship of the Zumwalt class and the first ship to be named for Admiral Elmo Zumwalt, who progressed to become the youngest Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) in American history. Elmo Russell Zumwalt, Jr. (29 November 1920 – 2 January 2000) was an American naval officer and the youngest man to serve as Chief of Naval Operations. As an admiral and later the 19th Chief of Naval Operations, Zumwalt played a major role in U.S. Military history, especially during the Vietnam War. A highly-decorated war veteran, Admiral Zumwalt reformed Naval personnel policies in an effort to improve enlisted life and ease racial tensions. After he retired from a 32-year Navy career, he launched an unsuccessful campaign for the U.S. Senate.
The second in class, DDG-1001, the USS Michael Monsoor, began construction in 2010 and its keel laying occurred in 2012. USS Monsoor, DDG-1001, will be launched in 2014, and commissioned in 2016. On April 16 2012, it was announced that the third Zumwalt-class destroyer, designated DDG-1002, will be named the USS Lyndon B. Johnson after the nation's 36th president. The USS Lyndon B. Johnson's construction started on April 4, 2012, the launch will be in 2016, and delivery is expected to the Navy in 2018.
The hull classification beginning with DDG-1000 departs from the guided missile destroyer sequence that goes up to DDG-112 (the last of the Arleigh Burke-class destroyers), and continues in the previous "gun destroyer" sequence left off with the last of the Spruance-class destroyers.
The DDG-1000 is planned to feature all of the following:
- Significantly reduced radar profile.
- Integrated power system for propulsion & weapons.
- Total ship computing environment for LAN.
- Automated fire-fighting & rupture isolation.
- Significntly reduced crew & operations expense.
- Wave-piercing tumblehome hull.
- Advanced Gun System (AGS) w/155mm guns.
- Peripheral Vertical Launch System (PVLS).
Originally, the Navy had hoped to build 32 of these destroyers. That number was later reduced to 24, then to 7, and finally to just three vessels. This was due to the high cost of new and experimental technologies to be incorporated in the destroyer, and because the US NAvy decided for the time being to extend the Arliegh Burke destroyer construction. On 23 November 2005, the Defense Acquisition Board approved a plan for simultaneous construction of the first two DDG-1000 ships at Northrop’s Ingalls yard in Pascagoula, MS and General Dynamics’ Bath Iron Works in Bath, ME. The Navy now expects each ship to cost over $3 billion dollars. The 2010 budget established that three DDG-1000 ships will be produced.
Many of the ship's features were developed under the DD21 program ("21st Century Destroyer"), which was originally designed around the Vertical Gun for Advanced Ships. In 2001, Congress cut the DD-21 program by half as part of the SC21 program. To save it, the acquisition program was renamed as DD(X) and reworked. Later, the program was again renamed to the DDG-1000 program which is the final name.
On 31 July 2008, U.S. Navy acquisition officials informed Congress that the service needed to purchase more Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, and no longer saw the need for multiple, next-generation DDG-1000 class. AT that time, it was suggested that only the two destroyers would be built. The Navy said the world threat picture had changed such that it made more sense to build at least eight more Burkes, rather than DDG-1000s. Many Congressional members were incredulous that the Navy could have conducted such a sweeping re-evaluation of the world threat picture in just a few weeks, after spending some 13 years and $10 billion on the surface ship program known as DD-21, then DD(X) and finally, DDG-1000. Subsequently chief of naval operations Gary Roughead cited the need to provide area air defense and specific new threats such as ballistic missiles and the possession of anti-ship missiles by groups such as Hezbollah.
On 19 August, 2008 Secretary Winter was reported as saying that a third Zumwalt would be built at Bath Iron Works, citing concerns about maintaining shipbuilding capacity. House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha said on 23 September 2008 that he had agreed to partial funding of the third DDG-1000 in the 2009 Defense authorization bill.
On 6 April 2009, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced that DoD's proposed 2010 budget will end the DDG-1000 program at a maximum of three ships. Also in April, the Pentagon awarded a fixed-price contract with General Dynamics to build the three destroyers, replacing a cost-plus-fee contract that had been awarded to Northrop Grumman. All three destroyers will be built in Maine at Bath Iron works though sub-assemly work will occur at various other locations. The first and second destroyers are expected to cost around $3.5 billion and the third somewhat less than that.
DDG-1001 will be named for Master-at-Arms 2nd Class (SEAL) Michael Monsoor, the second SEAL to receive the Medal of Honor in the Global War on Terror (GWOT).
In order to reach the goals for the requirements intended for this vessel, the following 10 technologies will be incorporated:

1) The Advanced Gun System (ADG) - To achieve an increased rate of fire and improved lethality while reducing operational crew headcount, the Zumwalt-class destroyer will employ the Advanced Gun System (AGS). A battery of two 155mm AGSs, firing-rocket assisted Long-Range Land Attack Projectiles (LRLAP) will provide precision strikes and volume fire at a range of up to 83 nautical miles. This system is equivalent to twelve 155mm howitzers and will see a three fold improvement in naval surface fire coverage when compared to current capabilities

2) Dual Band Radar (DBR) - The Zumwalt had intended to use a Dual Band Radar (DBR) to integrate integrates S-band and X-band radar capabilities in a single system. This would deliver true multi function performance, simultaneously supporting self-defense/anti-air warfare, situational awareness, land attack, naval gunfire support, surface search, navigation and air traffic control. However, that has now been scaled back. The Zumwalt will hit the water, having shifted to a single X-band SPY-3 MFR radar from Raytheon on launch, with an S band functionality mode programmed in. The new SPY-3 radar for the Zumwalts will be fully AEGIS compatible.
This leaves the true DPR (dual band radar) SPY-3 (Raytheon X band)/ SPY-4 (Lockheed Martin S band) solution for the Ford Class carriers. Another dual band radar which is a little less powerful than the DBR, called the Advanced Missile Defense Radar (AMDR) is currntly being developed for the Flight III Burkes.
The AMDR will have a direct tie to and integration into AEGIS, as can be imagined for any new Burke.
Depending on it power and scalability, it is possible that once developed, a scaled AMDR could then retrofitted to the three Zumwalts, but that is not a sure thing. It is possible that the powervul SPY-3 X band radar with S band functionality will suffice for the Zumwalts

3) Autonomic Fire Suppression System (AFSS) - An advanced automated damage-control system combines sensors, cameras and automated firefighting capabilities to ensure that the Zumwalt has the fastest possible response time to life- and ship-threatening events. This system improves survivability in both peacetime and wartime while reducing the number of crewmembers needed for damage control.

4) Integrated Composite Deckhouse and Apertures (IDHA) - Constructed of rugged, lightweight composites, the angular deckhouse increases stealth by minimizing radar reflectance. The surfaces of the Zumwalt’s deckhouse incorporate all radar apertures and communication antennas, eliminating high-profile masts and rotating antennas.

5) Integrated Power System (IPS) - The Zumwalt Destroyer is often called an all-electric ship. The efficient, quiet and economical design of the IPS generates all the energy needed for propulsion, electronics, combat, environmental and other ship systems.

6) Integrated Undersea Warfare (IUSW) - The IUSW incorporates two types of sonar arrays in one automated system. The high frequency sonar provides in-stride mine avoidance capabilities, while the medium frequency sonar optimizes anti-submarine and torpedo defense operations. The use of sophisticated target algorithms better enables the Zumwalt Destroyer to engage enemy submarines and, at the same time, minimize crew headcount requirements. The sonar that will be required to achieve this goal includes the following: Sonar - A dual-band sonar controlled by a highly automated computer system will be used to detect mines and submarines. The arrangemtn will be optimized for littoral Anti-submarine warfare and will include:.
- A hull-mounted mid-frequency sonar (AN/SQS-60)
- A hull-mounted high-frequency sonar (AN/SQS-61)
- A multi-function towed array sonar and handling system (AN/SQR-20)

7) MK57 Vertical Launch System (VLS) - The advanced MK57 Vertical Launching System can accommodate both existing and future missiles for land attack, anti-ship, anti-submarine and anti-air warfare. Its modular electronic architecture allows the Zumwalt Destroyer faster, more economical migration to new missile systems by minimizing the need to requalify the launcher for every new missile

8) Peripheral Vertical Launch System (PVLS) - A system of armored compartments located around the periphery of the Zumwalt. Each PVLS compartment contains and protects one MK57 Vertical Launching System. This design makes launchers and missiles resistant to battle damage while safely isolating them from crew and equipment spaces

9) Total Ship Computing Environment (TSCE) - The TSCE is the first large-scale implementation of the U.S. Navy’s Open Architecture strategy. Designed to bind all Zumwalt systems together, the TSCE creates a shipboard enterprise network allowing seamless integration of all on-board systems. It also gives the Navy increased ability to use standardized software and commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) hardware on a fleet-wide basis.

10) Wave Piercing Tumblehome Hull - The tumblehome (inward sloping) hull minimizes the Zumwalt-class destroyer’s radar cross section for enhanced stealth and survivability. Driven by a quiet and efficient all-electric propulsion system, the hull design optimizes speed, maneuverability and stability while minimizing engine noise and infrared signatures.
Stealth - Despite being 40% larger than an Arleigh Burke-class destroyer the radar signature will be more akin to a fishing boat and sound levels compared to the Los Angeles-class submarine. The tumblehome hull will reduce radar return and the composite material deckhouse also will have a low radar return. Water sleeting along the sides, along with passive cool air induction in the mack reduces thermal emissions. Propulsion - The was orinally planning to use a Permanent Magnet Motor (PMM) within the hull. Due to early difficulties with this technology, the decision was made to use the backup proposal of an Advanced Induction Motors (AIM). AIM technology has a heavier motor, requires more space, requires a "separate controller" to meet noise requirements, and produces less voltage than the originally planned PMM Integrated Power System. But, the AIM is a superior technology to current gas turbines and will be available and workable in the schedule of the DDG-1000.


Deck House Lift, December 14, 2012
Deck House Rollout prior to Lift October 2012
Major Section Joining March 2012