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Monday, September 2, 2013

Gail Smith, of Utah

The following are some visions and prophecies recieved from Gail Smith, of Utah.  She claimed to have had visitations from her departed mother who, under the instructions of Jesus the Christ, came to visit Gail in order to show her some things which were to come, for the benefit and warning of all who read.  Many of her prophecies involve geological and political upheavals, however some of her prophecies involve the Chinese-Russian invasion of the USA:
--- 4 earthquakes in Utah - Nevada - California.  First two very close in the fall, early in the morning.  Then 3 1/2 years later a 3rd and 4th earthquake.  Great oppression between the 1st/2nd and 3rd/4th quakes. 
--- A major economic collapse beginning in the USA in (an) October, precipitated by a world government faction.
--- Rioting, looting, cannibalism and killing by marauding gangs following the ecomonic collapse, throughout much of America.
--- A planned famine occurs, most people out of work, few or no trucks on the highways delivering produce.
--- An increasing gulf comes between the righteous and the wicked.
--- FEMA imposes martial law and closes down the roads between major cities, cuts communications, and does house-to-house searches for food, guns and ammunition.  In some cities church attendance will be outlawed and the old and feeble will be put in concentration (death) camps and the young and strong into work camps.  This "may" be after Red China and Russia invades the USA and occupies some of the major cities west of the Sierra Nevadas and east of the Mississippi river.
--- Bands of roving mountain lions will enter the cities and towns of mountainous areas and cause great harm, except to Christians who will be protected.
--- In the visions Gayle escaped many dangers by praying the following prayer to God: "If it be Thy will and I'm not suppose to die now, please save me and show me what to do."
--- Many of the leaders of the LDS church in Utah by this time, out of fear of retribution from United Nations forces which will be occupying much of America, will call on their followers to turn in all of their food storage... apparently they will be told that it will be distributed to all members equally.  However the apostate leaders of the LDS church will immediately turn this food storage over to the United Nations troops in an attempt to appease them, and many in Utah and elsewhere will starve to death... unless they accept the economic computer-chip "mark" in the hand or forehead that the U.N. soldiers (including the Chinese and Russians?) will be trying to impose on all Americans.  This suggests that the Russian-Chinese invasion may be precipitated in part by the "Anti-Christ" from his "United States of Europe" or "New World Order", with it's power-center based in Rome.  Others say that this war will last about 7 years, which may coincide with the "7 years of tribulation" mentioned in the Bible, which is to take place between the "rapture" of the saints and their return in victory with Christ seven years later (1 Thesselonians 4:15-18).  Prophetically, this is supposed to take place right after Isreal makes a 7-year peace "treaty" with the leader of a "United States of Europe.
--- The first earthquake hits Utah about ten days following the economic collapse, at 4 or 5 AM in the morning.  It will not be as sever as the second earthquake, however it will last a long time, and will cause a great deal of damage in Nevada and California especially, and some damage in Utah.
--- The second earthquake will also take place in the early morning, about 15 days after the first earthquake.  This earthquake will be one of the most powerful in history, and will affect other states besides Utah.  Most if not all of the dams in the Wasatch mountain break during this earthquake.  Jordanelle Dam breaks first and comes down and breaks Deer Creek Dam.  Quoting Gayle: "I saw a wall of water 80' high come roaring down Provo Canyon with such force it hits houses and they literally explode. When it hits Utah Lake it surges down the Jordan River and it wipes everything out on both sides of the river all the way to the Great Salt Lake. I saw homes out in the west like in Magna and Plains City sinking into the ground like quicksand due to liquefaction. I saw buildings and trees falling like dominos."  Near the point of the mountain enormous cracks "600 to 1000 feet deep and 500 to 600 feet across" in the earth open up and swallow homes, and these cracks effectively separate the Salt Lake and Utah valleys.  She saw molten lava coming up out of the cracks, and: "I saw a huge volcano in Northern California, one in Southern Idaho and one in the Yellowstone caldera (the volcano is even now forming in Yellowstone, according to news reports, as a large "bulge" is rising from the earth"). I think that the volcanoes start with the 3rd earthquake (sometime in the Spring) because I saw that it was daytime and the 3rd and 4th earthquakes happen in the afternoon. I saw volcanoes right here in this (Utah) Valley and saw hot lava falling on people." 
--- Following the third earthquake Salt Lake and Utah valleys fill with water, possibly due to water coming forth from ground fissures and also from the broken resevoirs which have emptied into the valleys.  The mountain benches above the valleys "may" be safer, but it would probably be even safer to leave the valleys entirely, or to move up on the bench by Spanish Fork, where the "Dream" mine is located.
--- Gayle "saw" millians of Chinese soldiers invading the USA from the west coast and from the Mexican border, and the Russians invade from the east coast at the same time.  She says: "I saw thousands of parachutes until they just darkened the sky. I saw individuals coming down on ropes out of helicopters all over. I saw the beginning of this invasion that there are nuclear explosions on both coasts. I also saw a nuclear explosion north toward Salt lake City which could be Hill Air Force Base but I really don't know for sure. When I was shown these things I went to the Lord and asked how we could possibly survive all this. I saw that this invasion takes place on a holiday when families get together and eat which I believe could be either Thanksgiving or Christmas but it could be New Years." 
--- "There were also diseases so terrible like the Ebola Virus. I saw people bleeding from the eyes, nose, ears, mouth and from every orifice of the body and dying very quickly."
--- "Later I saw that the poles of the earth reverse. Before the pole shift it is very still and quiet. Then I saw such horrendous winds that caused boulders the size of houses to fly through the air as the shift takes place. Anything or anyone above ground will not survive (except those within mountain valleys?) because of the winds. There's nothing left standing over two feet above the ground. I also saw a comet that hits the earth. I don't know where the comet or the pole shift fits into the scenario. I assume they are later because I was shown these things happen after the economic collapse and the earthquakes."
--- The 4th earthquake she believes will be when Christ returns (following the "7 years of tribulation").  She believes that this 4th earthquake might be initiated by a cometary impact (some say they have "seen" a comet impact Nevada, and others say they have seen it hit the Pacific Ocean.  Both of these may be true).
--- In conclusion, Gayle tells us: "The only way we are going to make it is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. I can't stress hard enough that it is of the utmost necessity to have a personal relationship with and a testimony of Jesus Christ. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of revelation. Personal revelation is going to be absolutely vital. If you don't have the money to get physically prepared, fine, get prepared spiritually. It's the most important way to prepare. It's only through Jesus Christ that we are going to be saved. These things we will walk through are going to be scary, but it's the only way we can be sufficiently humbled and purified to meet our Savior when he returns. That is what it is really all about...  Before the 3rd earthquake we will be led out by beings of light to cities of refuge or cities of light where we will remain while the rest of the calamities go out to the rest of the world. If you do not make it to one of these cities you will not survive. I SAW THAT ALL THOSE THAT ARE WILLING TO BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST AND HAVE FAITH IN HIM AND WILL ACCEPT HIM WILL BE LED OUT. The 3rd earthquake is the removal of the wicked that remain who refuse to accept Jesus Christ... The most important reason why I have done this is so I can bear witness of Jesus Christ. Because if we don't have a testimony of Jesus Christ and we don't bear witness of Him, we won't survive. If we are not willing to lay down our lives for our Savior as He laid down His life for us, we just simply won't survive. I know that He lives and I know that He is my Savior and I know that He is in charge. If we aren't willing to give up everything, including our lives, we aren't worthy of Him. The most important thing I can say is to get a personal relationship with Him and get personal revelation because it will be vital and it is the most important thing you can do."

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