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Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Nazi UFOs

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Artistic impression of a Haunebu-type German flying saucer, similar in appearance to craft allegedly photographed by George Adamski, Reinhold Schmidt, Howard Menger, and Stephen Darbishire.
In UFOlogy, conspiracy theory, science fiction, and comic book stories, claims or stories have circulated linking UFOs to Nazi Germany. The German UFO theories describe supposedly successful attempts to develop advanced aircraft or spacecraft prior to and during World War II, and further assert the post-war survival of these craft in secret underground bases in Antarctica, South America, or the United States, along with their creators.[1] According to these theories and fictional stories, various potential code-names or sub-classifications of Nazi UFO craft such as Rundflugzeug, Feuerball, Diskus, Haunebu, Hauneburg-Gerät, V7, Vril, Kugelblitz (not related to the self-propelled anti-aircraft gun of the same name), Andromeda-Gerät, Flugkreisel, Kugelwaffe, and Reichsflugscheibe have all been referenced.
Accounts appear as early as 1950, likely inspired by historical German development of specialized engines such as Viktor Schauberger's "Repulsine" around the time of WWII. Elements of these claims have been widely incorporated into various works of fictional and purportedly non-fictional media, including video games and documentaries, often mixed with more substantiated information.
German UFO literature very often conforms largely to documented history on the following points:
  • The Third Reich claimed the territory of New Swabia in Antarctica, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others.[2]
  • The Third Reich conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry, Viktor Schauberger's engine research, flying wing craft and the Arthur Sack A.S.6 experimental circular winged aircraft.
  • Some UFO sightings during World War II, particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought by the Allies to be prototype enemy aircraft designed to harass Allied aircraft through electromagnetic disruption; a technology similar to today's electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons.[3][page needed]


Early claims

In WWII, the so-called "foo fighters," a variety of unusual and anomalous aerial phenomena, were witnessed by both Axis and Allied personnel. While some foo fighter reports were dismissed as the misperceptions of troops in the heat of combat, others were taken seriously, and leading scientists such as Luis Alvarez began to investigate them.[4][page needed] In at least some cases, Allied intelligence and commanders suspected that foo fighters reported in the European theater represented advanced German aircraft or weapons, particularly given that Germans had already developed such technological innovations as V-1 and V-2 rockets and the first jet-engine fighter planes, and that a minority of foo fighters seemed to have inflicted damage to allied aircraft.[4][page needed]
Similar sentiments regarding German technology resurfaced in 1947 with the first wave of flying saucer reports after Kenneth Arnold's widely reported close encounter with nine crescent-shaped objects moving at a high velocity. Personnel of Project Sign, the first U.S. Air Force UFO investigation group, noted that the advanced flying wing aeronautical designs of the German Horten brothers were similar to some UFO reports.[5] In 1959, Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the first head of Project Blue Book (Project Sign's follow-up investigation) wrote:
When WWII ended, the Germans had several radical types of aircraft and guided missiles under development. The majority were in the most preliminary stages, but they were the only known craft that could even approach the performance of objects reported by UFO observers.[6]
While these early speculations and reports were limited primarily to military personnel, the earliest assertion of German flying saucers in the mass media appears to have been an article which appeared in the Italian newspaper Il Giornale d'Italia in early 1950. Written by Professor Giuseppe Belluzzo, an Italian scientist and a former Italian Minister of National Economy under the Mussolini regime, it claimed that "types of flying discs were designed and studied in Germany and Italy as early as 1942". Belluzzo also expressed the opinion that "some great power is launching discs to study them".[7]
The Bell UFO was among the first flying objects to be connected with the Nazis. It apparently had occult markings on it and it was also rumoured to have been very similar to a Wehrmacht document about a vertical take off aircraft. It is directly related to the supposed crash of a bell-shaped object that occurred in Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA on December 9, 1965. The same month, German engineer Rudolf Schriever gave an interview to German news magazine Der Spiegel in which he claimed that he had designed a craft powered by a circular plane of rotating turbine blades 49 ft (15 m) in diameter. He said that the project had been developed by him and his team at BMW's Prague works until April 1945, when he fled Czechoslovakia. His designs for the disk and a model were stolen from his workshop in Bremerhaven-Lehe in 1948 and he was convinced that Czech agents had built his craft for "a foreign power".[8][9] In a separate interview with Der Spiegel in October 1952 he said that the plans were stolen from a farm he was hiding in near Regen on 14 May 1945. There are other discrepancies between the two interviews that add to the confusion.[10] However, many skeptics have doubted that such a Bell UFO was actually designed or ever built.[11]
In 1953, when Avro Canada announced that it was developing the VZ-9-AV Avrocar, a circular jet aircraft with an estimated speed of 1,500 mph (2,400 km/h), German engineer Georg Klein claimed that such designs had been developed during the Third Reich. Klein identified two types of supposed German flying disks:
  • A non-rotating disk developed at Breslau by V-2 rocket engineer Richard Miethe, which was captured by the Soviets, while Miethe fled to the US via France, and ended up working for Avro.
  • A disk developed by Rudolf Schriever and Klaus Habermohl at Prague, which consisted of a ring of moving turbine blades around a fixed cockpit. Klein claimed that he had witnessed this craft's first manned flight on 14 February 1945, when it managed to climb to 12,400 m (40,700 ft) in 3 minutes and attained a speed of 2,200 km/h (1,400 mph) in level flight.
Aeronautical engineer Roy Fedden remarked that the only craft that could approach the capabilities attributed to flying saucers were those being designed by the Germans towards the end of the war. Fedden (who was also chief of the technical mission to Germany for the Ministry of Aircraft Production) stated in 1945:
I have seen enough of their designs and production plans to realize that if they (the Germans) had managed to prolong the war some months longer, we would have been confronted with a set of entirely new and deadly developments in air warfare.[12]
Fedden also added that the Germans were working on a number of very unusual aeronautical projects, though he did not elaborate upon his statement.[13]

Later claims

The Morning of the Magicians

Le Matin des Magiciens ("The Morning of the Magicians"), a 1960 book by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier, made many spectacular claims about the Vril Society of Berlin.[14] Several years later writers, including Jan van Helsing,[15][16] Norbert-Jürgen Ratthofer,[17] and Vladimir Terziski, have built on their work, connecting the Vril Society with UFOs. Among their claims, they imply that the society may have made contact with an alien race and dedicated itself to creating spacecraft to reach the aliens. In partnership with the Thule Society and the Nazi Party, the Vril Society developed a series of flying disc prototypes. With the Nazi defeat, the society allegedly retreated to a base in Antarctica and vanished into the hollow Earth to meet up with the leaders of an advanced race inhabiting inner Earth.

Ernst Zündel's marketing ploy

Further information: Ernst Zündel § UFOlogy
When German Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel started Samisdat Publishers in the 1970s, he initially catered to the UFOlogy community, which was then at its peak of public acceptance. His books claimed that flying saucers were Nazi secret weapons launched from an underground base in Antarctica, from which the Nazis hoped to conquer the Earth and possibly the planets.[18] Zündel also sold (for $9999) seats on an exploration team to locate the polar entrance to the hollow earth.[19] Some who interviewed Zündel claim that he privately admitted it was a deliberate hoax to build publicity for Samisdat, although he still defended it as late as 2002.[20][21]

Miguel Serrano's book

In 1978, Miguel Serrano, a Chilean diplomat and Nazi sympathizer, published El Cordón Dorado: Hitlerismo Esotérico [The Golden Thread: Esoteric Hitlerism] (in Spanish), in which he claimed that Adolf Hitler was an Avatar of Vishnu and was, at that time, communing with Hyperborean gods in an underground Antarctic base in New Swabia. Serrano predicted that Hitler would lead a fleet of UFOs from the base to establish the Fourth Reich.[22] In popular culture, this alleged UFO fleet is referred to as the Nazi flying saucers from Antarctica.[citation needed]

Richard Chase

According to a 1979 interview conducted by FBI agent Robert Ressler, imprisoned serial killer Richard Chase believed, or claimed to believe, that Nazi UFOs had extorted him into committing his murders under threat to his own life. Chase further claimed that prison officials in league with the Nazis were poisoning his food, and he asked Ressler to provide him with a radar gun, with which he could apprehend his enemies.

In popular culture

  • In 1947, Robert A. Heinlein published Rocket Ship Galileo, a science fiction novel featuring a German moon base.
  • Iron Sky (2012): a sci-fi black comedy about Nazis who left Earth from their hidden base in Antarctica and established a secret fortress on the dark side of the Moon. After Germany's defeat in 1945, the Nazis vowed to return to Earth "in peace," and they finally return in the year 2018, but with a full invasion force of flying saucers in order to finally defeat the Allies and restore the Third Reich. During their invasion, they end up battling with the President of the United States (who in the film resembles Sarah Palin) and unintentionally cause a world-wide nuclear war when every space-faring nation on Earth lays claim to the Nazis' powerful Helium-3 resources on the Moon.
  • Iron Sky: Invasion (2012): a video game space combat simulator and an expansion of the 2012 movie, with interactive and flyable recreations of numerous alleged prototypes and models of Nazi UFO spacecraft.
  • Robert Rankin's novel Nostradamus Ate My Hamster features Hitler and a group of Nazis escaping the end of the war to the future in a time machine; they attempt the subtle takeover of Earth through media manipulation until their time machine is used against them.
  • Francisco Ortega's novel El Verbo Kaifman (Kaifman Verb) (2014), describes a Haunebu found by the main character, Paul Kaifman. The ship is described as a copy of a Vimana and is later used by Paul to travel through time.
  • The History Channel program Ancient Aliens has featured episodes about Nazi UFOs and Nazi UFO conspiracy theories.

Die Glocke

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For Schiller’s poem "Das Lied von der Glocke", see Song of the Bell. For other uses, see The Bell (disambiguation).
Die Glocke (pronounced [diː ˈɡlɔkə], German for "The Bell") was a purported top secret Nazi scientific technological device, secret weapon, or Wunderwaffe. Described by Polish journalist and author Igor Witkowski in Prawda o Wunderwaffe (2000), it was later popularized by military journalist and author Nick Cook as well as by writers such as Joseph P. Farrell and others who associate it with Nazi occultism and antigravity or free energy research.
According to Patrick Kiger writing in National Geographic magazine, Die Glocke has become a popular subject of speculation and a following similar to science fiction fandom exists around it and other alleged Nazi "miracle weapons" or Wunderwaffen.[1] Mainstream reviewers such as former aerospace scientist David Myhra express skepticism that such a device ever actually existed.[1][2][3]



Discussion of Die Glocke originated in the works of Igor Witkowski. His 2000 Polish language book Prawda o Wunderwaffe (The Truth About The Wonder Weapon, reprinted in German as Die Wahrheit über die Wunderwaffe), refers to it as "The Nazi-Bell". Witkowski wrote that he first discovered the existence of Die Glocke by reading transcripts from an interrogation of former Nazi SS Officer Jakob Sporrenberg. According to Witkowski, he was shown the allegedly classified transcripts in August 1997 by an unnamed Polish intelligence contact who said he had access to Polish government documents regarding Nazi secret weapons.[3] Witkowski maintains that he was only allowed to transcribe the documents and was not allowed to make any copies. Although no evidence of the veracity of Witkowski’s statements has been produced, they reached a wider audience when they were retold by British author Nick Cook, who added his own views to Witkowski’s statements in The Hunt for Zero Point.[4]


Allegedly an experiment carried out by Third Reich scientists working for the SS in a German facility known as Der Riese ("The Giant")[5] near the Wenceslaus mine and close to the Czech border, Die Glocke is described as being a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal" approximately 2.7 metres (9 ft) wide and 3.7 to 4.6 metres (12 to 15 ft) high, having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to an interview of Witkowski by Cook, this device ostensibly contained two counter-rotating cylinders which would be "filled with a mercury-like substance, violet in color". This metallic liquid was code-named "Xerum 525" and was "stored in a tall thin thermos flask a meter high encased in lead".[6] Additional substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal), "included thorium and beryllium peroxides".[6] Witkowski describes Die Glocke, when activated, as having an effect zone extending out 150 to 200 meters. Within the zone, crystals would form in animal tissue, blood would gel & separate while plants would decompose into a grease like substance.[7] Witkowski also said that five of the seven original scientists working on the project died in the course of the tests.[8] Based upon certain external indications, Witkowski states that the ruins of a concrete framework—aesthetically dubbed "The Henge"—in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (50°37′43″N 16°29′40″E), some 3.1 km southeast of the main Complex Sokolec underground works of Project Riese, may have once served as a test rig for an experiment in "anti-gravity propulsion" generated with Die Glocke.[9] However, the derelict structure itself has also been interpreted to resemble the remains of a conventional industrial cooling tower.[10]
Witkowski’s statements along with Cook’s views prompted further conjecture about the device from various American authors, including Joseph P. Farrell, Jim Marrs, and Henry Stevens. In his book, Hitler's Suppressed and Still-Secret Weapons, Science and Technology (2007), Stevens concludes that the violet mercury-like substance described by Witkowski could only be red mercury because normal mercury "has no fluid compounds according to conventional wisdom".[11] Stevens presents a story attributed to German scientist Otto Cerny as told to then 13-year-old Greg Rowe around 1961 which alleged that a concave mirror on top of a device which seemed similar in description to Die Glocke provided the ability to see "images from the past" during its operation.[12]

Supposed whereabouts

Witkowski speculated that Die Glocke ended up in a "Nazi-friendly South American country". Cook, on the other hand, speculates that it was moved to the United States as part of a deal made with SS General Hans Kammler. Farrell speculated that it was recovered as part of the Kecksburg UFO incident.[13] This last theory was dramatized in 2009 by The Discovery Channel and again in 2011 by The History Channel’s Ancient Aliens series.

In popular culture

The books Black Order (2005) by James Rollins, Swastika (2005) by Michael Slade, The Shadow Project (2010) by Scott Mariani, Echo of the Reich (2012) by James Becker, Der Trojaner (2013) by Eric Verna, The Atlantis Gene (2013) by A.G. Riddle and The Goddess Of The Devil by Mart Sander have "Die Glocke" as their central theme.
The song Die Glocke by Cage, in their 2009 album Science of Annihilation also deals with this subject.
"Die Glocke" also makes an appearance in several video games, most notably the series Call of Duty. In Call of Duty, it appears in the Fly Trap easter egg on the map Der Riese.
"Die Glocke" is a central plot point in the Doctor Who novel "The Crawling Terror".
In Call of Duty: World at War, Der Riese is the fourth and final zombies map. It features a large bell shaped machine that can teleport players to another part of the level. The bell and room are suspiciously more purple than the rest of the map.
In Call of Duty: Black Ops III, "The Giant" is a remake of Call of Duty: World at War map Der Riese where Die Glocke makes its appearance.

Ghost rockets

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A ghost rocket or a meteor. Photographer Erik Reuterswärd suspected a meteor was depicted in his widely circulated photo. The Swedish Army, who released the picture, was less certain.
Ghost rockets (Swedish: Spökraketer, also called Scandinavian ghost rockets) were rocket- or missile-shaped unidentified flying objects sighted in 1946, mostly in Sweden and nearby countries.
The first reports of ghost rockets were made on February 26, 1946, by Finnish observers.[1] About 2,000 sightings were logged between May and December 1946, with peaks on 9 and 11 August 1946. Two hundred sightings were verified with radar returns, and authorities recovered physical fragments which were attributed to ghost rockets.
Investigations concluded that many ghost rocket sightings were probably caused by meteors. For example, the peaks of the sightings, on the 9 and 11 August 1946, also fall within the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower. However, most ghost rocket sightings did not occur during meteor shower activity, and furthermore displayed characteristics inconsistent with meteors, such as reported maneuverability.
Debate continues as to the origins of the unidentified ghost rockets. In 1946, however, it was thought likely that they originated from the former German rocket facility at Peenemünde, and were long-range tests by the Russians of captured German V-1 or V-2 missiles, or perhaps another early form of cruise missile because of the ways they were sometimes seen to maneuver. This prompted the Swedish Army to issue a directive stating that newspapers were not to report the exact location of ghost rocket sightings, or any information regarding the direction or speed of the object. This information, they reasoned, was vital for evaluation purposes to the nation or nations performing the tests.


Descriptions and early investigations

The early Russian origins theory was rejected by Swedish, British, and U.S. military investigators because no recognizable rocket fragments were ever found, and according to some sightings the objects usually left no exhaust trail, some moved too slowly and usually flew horizontally, they sometimes traveled and maneuvered in formation, and they were usually silent.
The sightings most often consisted of fast-flying rocket- or missile- shaped objects, with or without wings, visible for mere seconds. Instances of slower moving cigar shaped objects are also known. A hissing or rumbling sound was sometimes reported.
Crashes were not uncommon, almost always in lakes. Reports were made of objects crashing into a lake, then propelling themselves across the surface before sinking, as well as ordinary crashes. The Swedish military performed several dives in the affected lakes shortly after the crashes, but found nothing other than occasional craters in the lake bottom or torn off aquatic plants.

Swedish Air Force officer Karl-Gösta Bartoll searches for a "ghost rocket" seen to crash into Lake Kölmjärv on July 19, 1946.
The best known of these crashes occurred on July 19, 1946, into Lake Kölmjärv, Sweden. Witnesses reported a gray, rocket-shaped object with wings crashing in the lake. One witness interviewed heard a thunderclap, possibly the object exploding. However, a 3-week military search conducted in intense secrecy again turned up nothing.
Immediately after the investigation, the Swedish Air Force officer who led the search, Karl-Gösta Bartoll (photo right), submitted a report in which he stated that the bottom of the lake had been disturbed but nothing found and that "there are many indications that the Kölmjärv object disintegrated itself...the object was probably manufactured in a lightweight material, possibly a kind of magnesium alloy that would disintegrate easily, and not give indications on our instruments".[2] When Bartoll was later interviewed in 1984 by Swedish researcher Clas Svahn, he again said their investigation suggested the object largely disintegrated in flight and insisted that "what people saw were real, physical objects".[3]
On October 10, 1946, the Swedish Defense Staff publicly stated, "Most observations are vague and must be treated very skeptically. In some cases, however, clear, unambiguous observations have been made that cannot be explained as natural phenomena, Swedish aircraft, or imagination on the part of the observer. Echo, radar, and other equipment registered readings but gave no clue as to the nature of the objects". It was also stated that fragments alleged to have come from the missiles were nothing more than ordinary coke or slag.[4]
On December 3, 1946, a memo was drafted for the Swedish Ghost Rocket committee stating "nearly one hundred impacts have been reported and thirty pieces of debris have been received and examined by FOA" (later said to be meteorite fragments). Of the nearly 1000 reports that had been received by the Swedish Defense Staff to November 29, 225 were considered observations of "real physical objects" and every one had been seen in broad daylight.[5]

U.S. involvement

In early August 1946 Swedish Lt. Lennart Neckman of the Defense Staff's Air Defense Division saw something that was "without a doubt ... a rocket projectile". On August 14, 1946, the New York Times reported that Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson was "very much interested" in the ghost rocket reports, so was U.S. Army Air Forces intelligence as indicated nonpublicly by later documents (Clark, 246). Then on August 20, the Times reported that two U.S. experts on aerial warfare, aviation legend General Jimmy Doolittle and General David Sarnoff, president of RCA, arrived in Stockholm, ostensibly on private business and independently of each other. The official explanation was that Doolittle, who was now vice-president of the Shell Oil Company, was inspecting Shell branch offices in Europe, while Sarnoff, a former member of General Dwight D. Eisenhower's London staff, was studying the market for radio equipment. However, the Times story indicated that the Chief of the Swedish Defense Staff, made no secret that he "was extremely interested in asking the two generals advice and, if possible, would place all available reports before them". (Carpenter chronology) Doolittle and Sarnoff were briefed that on several occasions the ghost rockets had been tracked on radar.[6] Sarnoff was later quoted by the N.Y. Times on September 30 saying that he was "convinced that the 'ghost bombs' are no myth but real missiles".[2]
On August 22, 1946, the director of the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), Lt. Gen. Hoyt Vandenberg, wrote a Top Secret memo to President Truman, perhaps based in part on information from Doolittle and Sarnoff. Vandenberg stated that the "weight of evidence" pointed to Peenemünde as origin of the missiles, that US MA (military attaché) in Moscow had been told by 'key Swedish Air Officer' that radar course-plotting had led to conclusion that Peenemünde was the launch site. CIG speculates that the missiles are extended-range developments of V-1 being aimed for the Gulf of Bothnia for test purposes and do not overfly Swedish territory specifically for intimidation; self-destruct by small demolition charge or burning".[2]
Nevertheless, there are no reports of rocket launches at Peenemünde or the Greifswalder Oie after February 21, 1945 (See also: List of V-2 test launches).

Swedish military opinion

November 1948 USAF Top Secret document citing extraterrestrial opinion
Although the official opinion of the Swedish and U.S. military remains unclear, a Top Secret USAFE (United States Air Force Europe) document from 4 November 1948 (at right), indicates that at least some investigators believed the ghost rockets and later "flying saucers" had extraterrestrial origins. Declassified only in 1997, the document states:
"For some time we have been concerned by the recurring reports on flying saucers. They periodically continue to pop up; during the last week, one was observed hovering over Neubiberg Air Base for about thirty minutes. They have been reported by so many sources and from such a variety of places that we are convinced that they cannot be disregarded and must be explained on some basis which is perhaps slightly beyond the scope of our present intelligence thinking.
"When officers of this Directorate recently visited the Swedish Air Intelligence Service, this question was put to the Swedes. Their answer was that some reliable and fully technically qualified people have reached the conclusion that 'these phenomena are obviously the result of a high technical skill which cannot be credited to any presently known culture on earth'. They are therefore assuming that these objects originate from some previously unknown or unidentified technology, possibly outside the earth".
The document also mentioned a flying saucer crash search in a Swedish lake conducted by a Swedish naval salvage team, with the discovery of a previously unknown crater on the lake floor believed caused by the object (possibly referencing the Lake Kölmjärv search for a ghost rocket discussed above, though the date is unclear). The document ends with the statement that "we are inclined not to discredit entirely this somewhat spectacular theory [extraterrestrial origins], meantime keeping an open mind on the subject".[7]

Greek government investigation

The "ghost rocket" reports were not confined to Scandinavian countries. Similar objects were soon reported early the following month by British Army units in Greece, especially around Thessaloniki. In an interview on September 5, 1946, the Greek Prime Minister, Konstantinos Tsaldaris, likewise reported a number of projectiles had been seen over Macedonia and Thessaloniki on September 1. In mid-September, they were also seen in Portugal, and then in Belgium and Italy.
The Greek government conducted their own investigation, with their leading scientist, physicist Dr. Paul Santorinis, in charge. Santorinis had been a developer of the proximity fuze on the first A-bomb and held patents on guidance systems for Nike missiles and radar systems. Santorinis was supplied by the Greek Army with a team of engineers to investigate what again were believed to be Russian missiles flying over Greece.
In a 1967 lecture to the Greek Astronomical Society, broadcast on Athens Radio, Santorinis first publicly revealed what had been found in his 1947 investigation. "We soon established that they were not missiles. But, before we could do any more, the Army, after conferring with foreign officials (presumably U.S. Defense Dept.), ordered the investigation stopped. Foreign scientists [from Washington] flew to Greece for secret talks with me". Later Santorinis told UFO researchers such as Raymond Fowler that secrecy was invoked because officials were afraid to admit of a superior technology against which we have "no possibility of defense".[8]

Recent investigation

UFO-Sweden have conducted extensive investigation into the latest Ghost Rockets sighting at a lake in the far north of Sweden both in 2012 and 2014. During their search they have located a crater using a side scanning sonar and ground penetrating radar as well as unusual reading from a magnetometer. UFO-Sweden are currently planning a third trip during the winter months while the lake is still frozen, this time with in an attempt to verify or dispel previous reading.

Ghost Rocket documentary and collaborative online investigation

In 2015, a Swedish documentary covering the Ghost Rockets phenomena will be released, directed by Swedish filmmakers Michael Cavanagh and Kerstin Übelacker. The film follows UFO Sweden’s investigations and ongoing attempts to shed light on the decades-old mystery.
While doing research for the documentary, the film team came across thousands of previously classified documents concerning the Ghost Rockets in the Swedish Military archive. These documents have now been scanned and integrated into a first of its kind crowd sourced investigation portal, created by the filmmakers and a digital team, headed by Asta Wellejus and Jason Da Ponte, programmed by Portaplay, which will launch parallel to the film’s release, autumn 2015.

Foo fighter

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the aerial phenomenon. For the rock band, see Foo Fighters.
The term foo fighter was used by Allied aircraft pilots in World War II to describe various UFOs or mysterious aerial phenomena seen in the skies over both the European and Pacific theaters of operations.
Though "foo fighter" initially described a type of UFO reported and named by the U.S. 415th Night Fighter Squadron, the term was also commonly used to mean any UFO sighting from that period.[1] Formally reported from November 1944 onwards, witnesses often assumed that the foo fighters were secret weapons employed by the enemy.
The Robertson Panel explored possible explanations, for instance that they were electrostatic phenomena similar to St. Elmo's fire, electromagnetic phenomena, or simply reflections of light from ice crystals.[2]



The nonsense word "foo" emerged in popular culture during the early 1930s, first being used by cartoonist Bill Holman who peppered his Smokey Stover[3] fireman cartoon strips with "foo" signs and puns.[4][5][6]
The term foo was borrowed from Bill Holman's Smokey Stover by a radar operator in the 415th Night Fighter Squadron, Donald J. Meiers, who it is agreed by most 415th members gave the foo fighters their name. Meiers was from Chicago and was an avid reader of Bill Holman's strip which was run daily in the Chicago Tribune. Smokey Stover's catch phrase was "where there's foo, there's fire". In a mission debriefing on the evening November 27, 1944, Fritz Ringwald, the unit's S-2 Intelligence Officer, stated that Meiers and Ed Schleuter had sighted a red ball of fire that appeared to chase them through a variety of high-speed maneuvers. Fritz said that Meiers was extremely agitated and had a copy of the comic strip tucked in his back pocket. He pulled it out and slammed it down on Fritz's desk and said, "... it was another one of those fuckin' foo fighters!" and stormed out of the debriefing room.[7]
According to Fritz Ringwald, because of the lack of a better name, it stuck. And this was originally what the men of the 415th started calling these incidents: "Fuckin' Foo Fighters." In December 1944, a press correspondent from the Associated Press in Paris, Bob Wilson, was sent to the 415th at their base outside of Dijon, France to investigate this story.[8] It was at this time that the term was cleaned up to just "foo fighters". The unit commander, Capt. Harold Augsperger, also decided to shorten the term to foo fighters in the unit's historical data.[7]


The first sightings occurred in November 1944, when pilots flying over Germany by night reported seeing fast-moving round glowing objects following their aircraft. The objects were variously described as fiery, and glowing red, white, or orange. Some pilots described them as resembling Christmas tree lights and reported that they seemed to toy with the aircraft, making wild turns before simply vanishing. Pilots and aircrew reported that the objects flew formation with their aircraft and behaved as if under intelligent control, but never displayed hostile behavior. However, they could not be outmaneuvered or shot down. The phenomenon was so widespread that the lights earned a name – in the European Theater of Operations they were often called "kraut fireballs" but for the most part called "foo-fighters". The military took the sightings seriously, suspecting that the mysterious sightings might be secret German weapons, but further investigation revealed that German and Japanese pilots had reported similar sightings.[9]
On 13 December 1944, the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force in Paris issued a press release, which was featured in the New York Times the next day, officially describing the phenomenon as a "new German weapon". Follow-up stories, using the term "Foo Fighters", appeared in the New York Herald Tribune and the British Daily Telegraph.[10]
In its 15 January 1945 edition Time magazine carried a story entitled "Foo-Fighter", in which it reported that the "balls of fire" had been following USAAF night fighters for over a month, and that the pilots had named it the "foo-fighter". According to Time, descriptions of the phenomena varied, but the pilots agreed that the mysterious lights followed their aircraft closely at high speed. Some scientists at the time rationalized the sightings as an illusion probably caused by afterimages of dazzle caused by flak bursts, while others suggested St. Elmo's Fire as an explanation.[11]
The "balls of fire" phenomenon reported from the Pacific Theater of Operations differed somewhat from the foo fighters reported from Europe; the "ball of fire" resembled a large burning sphere which "just hung in the sky", though it was reported to sometimes follow aircraft. On one occasion, the gunner of a B-29 aircraft managed to hit one with gunfire, causing it to break up into several large pieces which fell on buildings below and set them on fire. There was speculation that the phenomena could be related to the Japanese fire balloons' campaign. As with the European foo fighters, no aircraft was reported as having been attacked by a "ball of fire"[12]
The postwar Robertson Panel cited foo fighter reports, noting that their behavior did not appear to be threatening, and mentioned possible explanations, for instance that they were electrostatic phenomena similar to St. Elmo's fire, electromagnetic phenomena, or simply reflections of light from ice crystals. The Panel's report suggested that "If the term "flying saucers" had been popular in 1943–1945, these objects would have been so labeled."[2]


Foo fighters were reported on many occasions from around the world; a few examples are noted below.
  • Sighting from September 1941 in the Indian Ocean was similar to some later foo fighter reports. From the deck of the S.S. Pułaski (a Polish merchant vessel transporting British troops), two sailors reported a "strange globe glowing with greenish light, about half the size of the full moon as it appears to us."[13] They alerted a British officer, who watched the object's movements with them for over an hour.
  • Charles R. Bastien of the Eighth Air Force reported one of the first encounters with foo fighters over the Belgium/Netherlands area; he described them as "two fog lights flying at high rates of speed that could change direction rapidly". During debriefing, his intelligence officer told him that two RAF night fighters had reported the same thing, and it was later reported in British newspapers.[14]
  • Career U.S. Air Force pilot Duane Adams often related that he had witnessed two occurrences of a bright light which paced his aircraft for about half an hour and then rapidly ascended into the sky. Both incidents occurred at night, both over the South Pacific, and both were witnessed by the entire aircraft crew. The first sighting occurred shortly after the end of World War II while Adams piloted a B-25 bomber. The second sighting occurred in the early 1960s when Adams was piloting a KC-135 tanker.

Explanations and theories

Author Renato Vesco revived the wartime theory that the foo fighters were a Nazi secret weapon in his work 'Intercept UFO', reprinted in a revised English edition as 'Man-Made UFOs: 50 Years Of Suppression' in 1994. Vesco claims that the foo fighters were in fact a form of ground-launched automatically guided jet-propelled flak mine called the Feuerball (Fireball). The device, operated by special SS units, supposedly resembled a tortoise shell in shape, and flew by means of gas jets that spun like a Catherine wheel around the fuselage. Miniature klystron tubes inside the device, in combination with the gas jets, created the foo fighters' characteristic glowing spheroid appearance. A crude form of collision avoidance radar ensured the craft would not crash into another airborne object, and an onboard sensor mechanism would even instruct the machine to depart swiftly if it was fired upon. The purpose of the Feuerball, according to Vesco, was two-fold. The appearance of this weird device inside a bomber stream would (and indeed did) have a distracting and disruptive effect on the bomber pilots; and Vesco alleges that the devices were also intended to have an offensive capability. Electrostatic discharges from the klystron tubes would, he states, interfere with the ignition systems of the bombers' engines, causing the planes to crash. Although there is no hard evidence to support the reality of the Feuerball drone, this theory has been taken up by other aviation/ufology authors, and has even been cited as the most likely explanation for the phenomena in at least one recent television documentary on Nazi secret weapons.[15][16]
A type of electrical discharge from airplanes' wings (see St. Elmo's Fire) has been suggested as an explanation, since it has been known to appear at the wingtips of aircraft.[11] It has also been pointed out that some of the descriptions of foo fighters closely resemble those of ball lightning.[17]
During April 1945, the US Navy began to experiment on visual illusions as experienced by night time aviators. This work began the US Navy's Bureau of Medicine (BUMED) project X-148-AV-4-3. This project pioneered the study of aviators' vertigo and was initiated because a wide variety of anomalous events were being reported by night time aviators.[18] Dr. Edgar Vinacke, who was the premier flight psychologist on this project, summarized the need for a cohesive and systemic outline of the epidemiology of aviator's vertigo:
Pilots do not have sufficient information about phenomena of disorientation, and, as a corollary, are given considerable disorganized, incomplete, and inaccurate information. They are largely dependent upon their own experience, which must supplement and interpret the traditions about 'vertigo' which are passed on to them. When a concept thus grows out of anecdotes cemented together with practical necessity, it is bound to acquire elements of mystery. So far as 'vertigo' is concerned, no one really knows more than a small part of the facts, but a great deal of the peril. Since aviators are not skilled observers of human behavior, they usually have only the vaguest understanding of their own feelings. Like other naive persons, therefore, they have simply adopted a term to cover a multitude of otherwise inexplicable events.
— Edgar Vinacke, The Concept of Aviator's "Vertigo"[19]

Kecksburg UFO incident

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A model of the crashed object, originally created for the show Unsolved Mysteries, and put on display near the Kecksburg fire station.
The Kecksburg UFO incident occurred on December 9, 1965, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA. A large, brilliant fireball was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario, Canada. It streaked over the Detroit, MichiganWindsor, Ontario area, reportedly dropped hot metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio,[1] starting some grass fires,[2] and caused sonic booms in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.[3] It was generally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor[4] after authorities discounted other proposed explanations such as a plane crash, errant missile test, or reentering satellite debris.[5] However, eyewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, about 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, claimed something crashed in the woods.[6] A boy said he saw the object land; his mother saw a wisp of blue smoke arising from the woods and alerted authorities. Another reported feeling a vibration and "a thump" about the time the object reportedly landed.[7] Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members, reported finding an object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing resembling Egyptian hieroglyphs was also said to be in a band around the base of the object. Witnesses further reported that intense military presence, most notably the United States Army, secured the area, ordered civilians out, and then removed an object on a flatbed truck. The military claimed they searched the woods and found "absolutely nothing."[8]
The Tribune-Review from nearby Greensburg which had a reporter at the scene ran an article the next morning, "Unidentified Flying Object Falls near Kecksburg—Army Ropes off Area". The article continued, "The area where the object landed was immediately sealed off on the order of U.S. Army and State Police officials, reportedly in anticipation of a 'close inspection' of whatever may have fallen ... State Police officials there ordered the area roped off to await the expected arrival of both U.S. Army engineers and possibly, civilian scientists."[7] However, a later edition of the newspaper stated that nothing had been found after authorities searched the area.
The official explanation of the widely seen fireball was that it was a mid-sized meteor. However speculation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object (if there was one—reports vary) range from alien craft to debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet space probe intended for Venus but which failed and never left the Earth's atmosphere.[9] (see also Kosmos 96 section below)
Similarities have been drawn between the Kecksburg incident and the Roswell UFO incident, leading to the former being referred to as "Pennsylvania's Roswell."


Scientific articles

Kecksburg UFO incident is located in Pennsylvania
Kecksburg UFO incident

Sky and Telescope

Several articles were written about the fireball in science journals. The February 1966 issue[10] of Sky & Telescope reported that the fireball was seen over the Detroit-Windsor area at about 4:44 p.m. EST. The Federal Aviation Administration had received 23 reports from aircraft pilots, the first starting at 4:44 p.m. A seismograph 25 miles southwest of Detroit had recorded the shock waves created by the fireball as it passed through the atmosphere. The Sky & Telescope article concluded that "the path of the fireball extended roughly from northwest to southeast" and ended "in or near the western part of Lake Erie".

Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

A 1967 article[11] by two astronomers in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (JRASC) used the seismographic record to pinpoint the time of passage over the Detroit area to 4:43 p.m. In addition, they used photographs of the trail taken north of Detroit at two different locations to triangulate the trajectory of the object. They concluded that the fireball was descending at a steep angle, moving from the southwest to the northeast, and likely impacted on the northwestern shore of Lake Erie near Windsor, Ontario.
The JRASC trajectory was at nearly right angles to that proposed by Sky & Telescope, or a trajectory that would have taken the fireball in the direction of western Pennsylvania and Kecksburg. Thus, if the calculation was correct, this would rule out the fireball being involved with what may or may not have happened in Kecksburg. The JRASC article is often cited by skeptics to debunk the notion of a UFO crash at Kecksburg.[12]
However, the JRASC article has been criticized as lacking any error analysis.[13] Since the triangulation base used by the astronomers in their calculations was very narrow, even very small errors in determination of directions could result in a very different triangulated trajectory. Measurement errors of slightly more than one-half degree would make possible a straight-line trajectory towards the Kecksburg area and a much shallower angle of descent than reported in the JRASC article. It was also pointed out that the photos used actually show the fireball trail becoming progressively thinner, suggesting motion away from the cameras, or in the direction of Pennsylvania. Had the trajectory been sideways to the cameras, as contended in the JRASC article, the trail would likely have remained roughly constant in thickness.

John Murphy's Object in the Woods

A reporter and news director for the local radio station WHJB, John Murphy, arrived on the scene of the event before authorities had arrived, in response to several calls to the station from alarmed citizens. He took several photographs and conducted interviews with witnesses. His former wife Bonnie Milslagle later reported that all but one roll of the film were confiscated by military personnel. WHJB office manager Mabel Mazza described one of the pictures: "It was very dark and it was with a lot of trees around and everything. And I don't know how far away from the site he was. But I did see a picture of a sort of a cone-like thing. It's the only time I ever saw it."
In the following weeks, Murphy became enveloped with the incident and wrote a radio documentary called Object in the Woods, featuring his experiences and interviews he had conducted that night. Shortly before the documentary would have aired, he received an unexpected visit at the station from two men in black suits identifying themselves as government officials. They requested to speak with him in a back room behind closed doors. The meeting lasted about 30 minutes. A WHJB employee, Linda Foschia, recalled the men confiscated some of Murphy's audio tapes from that night, and that no one knows what happened to the remaining photographs. A week after the visit, an agitated Murphy aired a censored version of the documentary, which he claimed in its introduction had to be edited due to some interviewees requesting their statements be removed from the broadcast in fear of getting in trouble with the police and Army. The new version contained nothing revealing, and did not mention an object at all. Mazza, and also Murphy's wife, remember the aired documentary was entirely different from what Murphy had originally written. (See pp. 4–5 of CFI's report in External links for details of the aired documentary.)
After the airing, Murphy became uncharacteristically despondent and completely stopped all investigation on the case and refused to talk to anyone about it again, and never gave clear reasons why. In February 1969, Murphy was struck and killed by an unidentified car in an apparent hit-and-run while crossing a road. The hit-and-run occurred near Ventura, California, while Murphy was on vacation.[14]

Kosmos 96

There had been some speculation (e.g. NASA's James Oberg) that the object in the Kecksburg Incident may have been debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet satellite. Kosmos 96 had a bell- or acorn-like shape similar to the object reported by eyewitnesses (though much smaller than witnesses reported).
However, in a 1991 report, US Space Command concluded that Kosmos 96 crashed in Canada at 3:18 a.m. on December 9, 1965, about 13 hours before the fireball thought to be the Kecksburg object undergoing re-entry was recorded at 4:45 p.m.[15]
In addition, in a 2003 interview Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris at the NASA Johnson Space Center Nicholas L. Johnson stated:
I can tell you categorically, that there is no way that any debris from Kosmos 96 could have landed in Pennsylvania anywhere around 4:45 p.m. [...] That’s an absolute. Orbital mechanics is very strict.[15]

2000s-2010s developments

2003: Sci Fi Channel reinvestigates case

In 2003, the Sci Fi Channel sponsored a scientific study of the area and related records by the Coalition for Freedom of Information. The most significant finding of the scientific team was a line of damaged trees broken at the top leading to the site where some eyewitnesses said they saw the object embedded in the soil along with associated fresh tree damage. Furthermore, tree core samples dated the damage to 1965. This provided physical evidence that something airborne may have come crashing through the trees and landed in the woods. (However, one of the scientists[who?] instead suggested ice damage to the trees.) Minor soil disturbance was also found at the alleged landing site. Another witness reported hearing a pair of loud, horrific screams as members of the military approached the object on foot.
There was a push for NASA to release pertinent documents on the subject. Some 40 pages of these documents were released on November 1, 2003, but were unrevealing. However, there are Air Force Project Blue Book documents indicating that a three-man team was sent from an Air Force radar-installation near Pittsburgh to investigate the Kecksburg crash. Newspaper articles at the time reported this, but Project Blue Book stated nothing had been found.

2005: NASA changes story to "Russian satellite"

In December 2005, just before the 40th anniversary of the Kecksburg crash, NASA released a statement to the effect that they had examined metallic fragments from the object and now claimed it was from a re-entering "Russian satellite". The spokesman further claimed that the related records had been misplaced. According to an Associated Press story:
The object appeared to be a Russian satellite that re-entered the atmosphere and broke up. NASA experts studied fragments from the object, but records of what they found were lost in the 1990s.
As a rule, we don't track UFOs. What we could do, and what we apparently did as experts in spacecraft in the 1960s, was to take a look at whatever it was and give our expert opinion. We did that, we boxed [the case] up and that was the end of it. Unfortunately, the documents supporting those findings were misplaced.
— David Steitz, [16][17]
Furthermore, the claim contradicts what journalist Leslie Kean was told in 2003 by Nicholas L. Johnson, NASA's chief scientist for orbital debris. As part of the new Sci Fi investigation, Kean had Johnson recheck orbital paths of all known satellites and other records from the period in 1965. Johnson told Kean that orbital mechanics made it absolutely impossible for any part of the Kosmos 96 Venus probe to have accounted for either the fireball or any object at Kecksburg. Johnson also stated there were no other known man-made satellites or other objects that re-entered the atmosphere on that day.
Kean and others deem it highly questionable that NASA could actually lose such records. However, this would not be a unique case for NASA; for example, the original tapes recorded during the televised Apollo 11 Moon landing were misplaced or reused.[18][19]
In December 2005, a lawsuit was filed to get NASA to search more diligently for the alleged lost records.
On October 26, 2007, NASA agreed to search for those records after being ordered by the court.[20][21] The judge, who had tried to move NASA along for more than 3 years, angrily referred to NASA's previous search efforts as a "ball of yarn" that never fully answered the request, adding, "I can sense the plaintiff's frustration because I'm frustrated."[22]
During the hearing, Steve McConnell, NASA's public liaison officer, admitted two boxes of papers from the time of the Kecksburg incident were missing. Stan Gordon, principal investigator of the Kecksburg incident for several decades, stated "I have no doubt the government knows a lot more about this than it has revealed to the public."[23]
In 2008, space writer James Oberg opined that NASA was unlikely to possess any such documents since, in his view, it was highly likely that the supposed NASA team that investigated the site were in fact Air Force personnel who identified themselves as NASA personnel, something regularly done by military personnel in civilian clothes during the 1960s. He further suggested that Leslie Kean's lawsuit was no more than a "publicity stunt" for the benefit of Kean's employers.[24]
In November 2009, Leslie Kean filed a report on the results of the NASA search.[25] Documents were still missing or reported destroyed and little of interest was turned up relevant to the Kecksburg case. Of particular interest was a missing box of "fragology" files, reported destroyed, related to recovery and examination of space debris. Kean said the missing files could be due to a number of reasons, including a poor filing system, misplaced records or records filed outside of the parameters of the search, deliberately concealed records, perhaps still classified, files removed by NASA employees but never returned (one such individual was named), files that were indeed destroyed as reported, and archivists unfamiliar with what was being searched for. In addition, the plaintiffs had to trust that NASA carried out the search as they reported to the court, since the plaintiffs were not allowed to examine the search materials for themselves. Despite reservations about the thoroughness or accuracy of the search, Kean said they felt they had exhausted their legal remedies and ended the lawsuit against NASA.
Kean noted that some items of interest did turn up, such as NASA's general involvement in collecting space debris and analyzing it, including interest in sightings of lesser meteor fireball seen at about the same time. In addition, NASA sent out press releases to news agencies about these other fireballs. But NASA had nothing on the very widely reported and seen fireball associated with the Kecksburg case and issued no stories on it.
Kean also wrote that she tried to get more information from Steitz, the NASA spokesperson who issued the surprising statement in 2005 that NASA had indeed examined debris related to Kecksburg, supposedly from a Russian space probe. But Steitz never responded. Kean was particularly interested in Steitz's source of information to make such a statement, since he also indicated there were no surviving records and the court-ordered search also turned up no relevant records. There are also records of eyewitnesses saying that they had "chipped" off pieces of the artifact.

Later investigations

The 2008 Discovery Channel documentary series Nazi UFO Conspiracy looked at the links between the Kecksburg object and the alleged Nazi UFO called Die Glocke ("The Bell"; also known as "The Nazi Bell"),[26] claims also made by Joseph P. Farrell.[27]
In February 2009, The History Channel's program, UFO Hunters, revisited this incident, along with a similar one that happened in Needles, California. They interviewed witnesses, used scientific equipment not available in 2003 (Sci-Fi Channel's investigation), but found no further information than had previously been discovered. The main theme of the program was of a major military presence and cover-up.
Further investigation by The History Channel's Ancient Aliens in 2011 proposes that the craft found was Die Glocke. The program investigates evidence and speculation that Nazi SS officer Hans Kammler may have used Die Glocke as a means of escaping Allied Forces during the final days before VE Day via Time travel, and ended up crash landing in Kecksburg and integrating himself into post-war American society.
An episode of the Science channel series Dark Matters investigated several well-known theories. One was the alleged connection of the Kecksburg incident to Nazi research into antigravity technology, specifically, Die Glocke.[28][not in citation given]

Kecksburg UFO incident

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A model of the crashed object, originally created for the show Unsolved Mysteries, and put on display near the Kecksburg fire station.
The Kecksburg UFO incident occurred on December 9, 1965, at Kecksburg, Pennsylvania, USA. A large, brilliant fireball was seen by thousands in at least six U.S. states and Ontario, Canada. It streaked over the Detroit, MichiganWindsor, Ontario area, reportedly dropped hot metal debris over Michigan and northern Ohio,[1] starting some grass fires,[2] and caused sonic booms in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area.[3] It was generally assumed and reported by the press to be a meteor[4] after authorities discounted other proposed explanations such as a plane crash, errant missile test, or reentering satellite debris.[5] However, eyewitnesses in the small village of Kecksburg, about 30 miles southeast of Pittsburgh, claimed something crashed in the woods.[6] A boy said he saw the object land; his mother saw a wisp of blue smoke arising from the woods and alerted authorities. Another reported feeling a vibration and "a thump" about the time the object reportedly landed.[7] Others from Kecksburg, including local volunteer fire department members, reported finding an object in the shape of an acorn and about as large as a Volkswagen Beetle. Writing resembling Egyptian hieroglyphs was also said to be in a band around the base of the object. Witnesses further reported that intense military presence, most notably the United States Army, secured the area, ordered civilians out, and then removed an object on a flatbed truck. The military claimed they searched the woods and found "absolutely nothing."[8]
The Tribune-Review from nearby Greensburg which had a reporter at the scene ran an article the next morning, "Unidentified Flying Object Falls near Kecksburg—Army Ropes off Area". The article continued, "The area where the object landed was immediately sealed off on the order of U.S. Army and State Police officials, reportedly in anticipation of a 'close inspection' of whatever may have fallen ... State Police officials there ordered the area roped off to await the expected arrival of both U.S. Army engineers and possibly, civilian scientists."[7] However, a later edition of the newspaper stated that nothing had been found after authorities searched the area.
The official explanation of the widely seen fireball was that it was a mid-sized meteor. However speculation as to the identity of the Kecksburg object (if there was one—reports vary) range from alien craft to debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet space probe intended for Venus but which failed and never left the Earth's atmosphere.[9] (see also Kosmos 96 section below)
Similarities have been drawn between the Kecksburg incident and the Roswell UFO incident, leading to the former being referred to as "Pennsylvania's Roswell."


Scientific articles

Kecksburg UFO incident is located in Pennsylvania
Kecksburg UFO incident

Sky and Telescope

Several articles were written about the fireball in science journals. The February 1966 issue[10] of Sky & Telescope reported that the fireball was seen over the Detroit-Windsor area at about 4:44 p.m. EST. The Federal Aviation Administration had received 23 reports from aircraft pilots, the first starting at 4:44 p.m. A seismograph 25 miles southwest of Detroit had recorded the shock waves created by the fireball as it passed through the atmosphere. The Sky & Telescope article concluded that "the path of the fireball extended roughly from northwest to southeast" and ended "in or near the western part of Lake Erie".

Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada

A 1967 article[11] by two astronomers in the Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (JRASC) used the seismographic record to pinpoint the time of passage over the Detroit area to 4:43 p.m. In addition, they used photographs of the trail taken north of Detroit at two different locations to triangulate the trajectory of the object. They concluded that the fireball was descending at a steep angle, moving from the southwest to the northeast, and likely impacted on the northwestern shore of Lake Erie near Windsor, Ontario.
The JRASC trajectory was at nearly right angles to that proposed by Sky & Telescope, or a trajectory that would have taken the fireball in the direction of western Pennsylvania and Kecksburg. Thus, if the calculation was correct, this would rule out the fireball being involved with what may or may not have happened in Kecksburg. The JRASC article is often cited by skeptics to debunk the notion of a UFO crash at Kecksburg.[12]
However, the JRASC article has been criticized as lacking any error analysis.[13] Since the triangulation base used by the astronomers in their calculations was very narrow, even very small errors in determination of directions could result in a very different triangulated trajectory. Measurement errors of slightly more than one-half degree would make possible a straight-line trajectory towards the Kecksburg area and a much shallower angle of descent than reported in the JRASC article. It was also pointed out that the photos used actually show the fireball trail becoming progressively thinner, suggesting motion away from the cameras, or in the direction of Pennsylvania. Had the trajectory been sideways to the cameras, as contended in the JRASC article, the trail would likely have remained roughly constant in thickness.

John Murphy's Object in the Woods

A reporter and news director for the local radio station WHJB, John Murphy, arrived on the scene of the event before authorities had arrived, in response to several calls to the station from alarmed citizens. He took several photographs and conducted interviews with witnesses. His former wife Bonnie Milslagle later reported that all but one roll of the film were confiscated by military personnel. WHJB office manager Mabel Mazza described one of the pictures: "It was very dark and it was with a lot of trees around and everything. And I don't know how far away from the site he was. But I did see a picture of a sort of a cone-like thing. It's the only time I ever saw it."
In the following weeks, Murphy became enveloped with the incident and wrote a radio documentary called Object in the Woods, featuring his experiences and interviews he had conducted that night. Shortly before the documentary would have aired, he received an unexpected visit at the station from two men in black suits identifying themselves as government officials. They requested to speak with him in a back room behind closed doors. The meeting lasted about 30 minutes. A WHJB employee, Linda Foschia, recalled the men confiscated some of Murphy's audio tapes from that night, and that no one knows what happened to the remaining photographs. A week after the visit, an agitated Murphy aired a censored version of the documentary, which he claimed in its introduction had to be edited due to some interviewees requesting their statements be removed from the broadcast in fear of getting in trouble with the police and Army. The new version contained nothing revealing, and did not mention an object at all. Mazza, and also Murphy's wife, remember the aired documentary was entirely different from what Murphy had originally written. (See pp. 4–5 of CFI's report in External links for details of the aired documentary.)
After the airing, Murphy became uncharacteristically despondent and completely stopped all investigation on the case and refused to talk to anyone about it again, and never gave clear reasons why. In February 1969, Murphy was struck and killed by an unidentified car in an apparent hit-and-run while crossing a road. The hit-and-run occurred near Ventura, California, while Murphy was on vacation.[14]

Kosmos 96

There had been some speculation (e.g. NASA's James Oberg) that the object in the Kecksburg Incident may have been debris from Kosmos 96, a Soviet satellite. Kosmos 96 had a bell- or acorn-like shape similar to the object reported by eyewitnesses (though much smaller than witnesses reported).
However, in a 1991 report, US Space Command concluded that Kosmos 96 crashed in Canada at 3:18 a.m. on December 9, 1965, about 13 hours before the fireball thought to be the Kecksburg object undergoing re-entry was recorded at 4:45 p.m.[15]
In addition, in a 2003 interview Chief Scientist for Orbital Debris at the NASA Johnson Space Center Nicholas L. Johnson stated:
I can tell you categorically, that there is no way that any debris from Kosmos 96 could have landed in Pennsylvania anywhere around 4:45 p.m. [...] That’s an absolute. Orbital mechanics is very strict.[15]

2000s-2010s developments

2003: Sci Fi Channel reinvestigates case

In 2003, the Sci Fi Channel sponsored a scientific study of the area and related records by the Coalition for Freedom of Information. The most significant finding of the scientific team was a line of damaged trees broken at the top leading to the site where some eyewitnesses said they saw the object embedded in the soil along with associated fresh tree damage. Furthermore, tree core samples dated the damage to 1965. This provided physical evidence that something airborne may have come crashing through the trees and landed in the woods. (However, one of the scientists[who?] instead suggested ice damage to the trees.) Minor soil disturbance was also found at the alleged landing site. Another witness reported hearing a pair of loud, horrific screams as members of the military approached the object on foot.
There was a push for NASA to release pertinent documents on the subject. Some 40 pages of these documents were released on November 1, 2003, but were unrevealing. However, there are Air Force Project Blue Book documents indicating that a three-man team was sent from an Air Force radar-installation near Pittsburgh to investigate the Kecksburg crash. Newspaper articles at the time reported this, but Project Blue Book stated nothing had been found.

2005: NASA changes story to "Russian satellite"

In December 2005, just before the 40th anniversary of the Kecksburg crash, NASA released a statement to the effect that they had examined metallic fragments from the object and now claimed it was from a re-entering "Russian satellite". The spokesman further claimed that the related records had been misplaced. According to an Associated Press story:
The object appeared to be a Russian satellite that re-entered the atmosphere and broke up. NASA experts studied fragments from the object, but records of what they found were lost in the 1990s.
As a rule, we don't track UFOs. What we could do, and what we apparently did as experts in spacecraft in the 1960s, was to take a look at whatever it was and give our expert opinion. We did that, we boxed [the case] up and that was the end of it. Unfortunately, the documents supporting those findings were misplaced.
— David Steitz, [16][17]
Furthermore, the claim contradicts what journalist Leslie Kean was told in 2003 by Nicholas L. Johnson, NASA's chief scientist for orbital debris. As part of the new Sci Fi investigation, Kean had Johnson recheck orbital paths of all known satellites and other records from the period in 1965. Johnson told Kean that orbital mechanics made it absolutely impossible for any part of the Kosmos 96 Venus probe to have accounted for either the fireball or any object at Kecksburg. Johnson also stated there were no other known man-made satellites or other objects that re-entered the atmosphere on that day.
Kean and others deem it highly questionable that NASA could actually lose such records. However, this would not be a unique case for NASA; for example, the original tapes recorded during the televised Apollo 11 Moon landing were misplaced or reused.[18][19]
In December 2005, a lawsuit was filed to get NASA to search more diligently for the alleged lost records.
On October 26, 2007, NASA agreed to search for those records after being ordered by the court.[20][21] The judge, who had tried to move NASA along for more than 3 years, angrily referred to NASA's previous search efforts as a "ball of yarn" that never fully answered the request, adding, "I can sense the plaintiff's frustration because I'm frustrated."[22]
During the hearing, Steve McConnell, NASA's public liaison officer, admitted two boxes of papers from the time of the Kecksburg incident were missing. Stan Gordon, principal investigator of the Kecksburg incident for several decades, stated "I have no doubt the government knows a lot more about this than it has revealed to the public."[23]
In 2008, space writer James Oberg opined that NASA was unlikely to possess any such documents since, in his view, it was highly likely that the supposed NASA team that investigated the site were in fact Air Force personnel who identified themselves as NASA personnel, something regularly done by military personnel in civilian clothes during the 1960s. He further suggested that Leslie Kean's lawsuit was no more than a "publicity stunt" for the benefit of Kean's employers.[24]
In November 2009, Leslie Kean filed a report on the results of the NASA search.[25] Documents were still missing or reported destroyed and little of interest was turned up relevant to the Kecksburg case. Of particular interest was a missing box of "fragology" files, reported destroyed, related to recovery and examination of space debris. Kean said the missing files could be due to a number of reasons, including a poor filing system, misplaced records or records filed outside of the parameters of the search, deliberately concealed records, perhaps still classified, files removed by NASA employees but never returned (one such individual was named), files that were indeed destroyed as reported, and archivists unfamiliar with what was being searched for. In addition, the plaintiffs had to trust that NASA carried out the search as they reported to the court, since the plaintiffs were not allowed to examine the search materials for themselves. Despite reservations about the thoroughness or accuracy of the search, Kean said they felt they had exhausted their legal remedies and ended the lawsuit against NASA.
Kean noted that some items of interest did turn up, such as NASA's general involvement in collecting space debris and analyzing it, including interest in sightings of lesser meteor fireball seen at about the same time. In addition, NASA sent out press releases to news agencies about these other fireballs. But NASA had nothing on the very widely reported and seen fireball associated with the Kecksburg case and issued no stories on it.
Kean also wrote that she tried to get more information from Steitz, the NASA spokesperson who issued the surprising statement in 2005 that NASA had indeed examined debris related to Kecksburg, supposedly from a Russian space probe. But Steitz never responded. Kean was particularly interested in Steitz's source of information to make such a statement, since he also indicated there were no surviving records and the court-ordered search also turned up no relevant records. There are also records of eyewitnesses saying that they had "chipped" off pieces of the artifact.

Later investigations

The 2008 Discovery Channel documentary series Nazi UFO Conspiracy looked at the links between the Kecksburg object and the alleged Nazi UFO called Die Glocke ("The Bell"; also known as "The Nazi Bell"),[26] claims also made by Joseph P. Farrell.[27]
In February 2009, The History Channel's program, UFO Hunters, revisited this incident, along with a similar one that happened in Needles, California. They interviewed witnesses, used scientific equipment not available in 2003 (Sci-Fi Channel's investigation), but found no further information than had previously been discovered. The main theme of the program was of a major military presence and cover-up.
Further investigation by The History Channel's Ancient Aliens in 2011 proposes that the craft found was Die Glocke. The program investigates evidence and speculation that Nazi SS officer Hans Kammler may have used Die Glocke as a means of escaping Allied Forces during the final days before VE Day via Time travel, and ended up crash landing in Kecksburg and integrating himself into post-war American society.
An episode of the Science channel series Dark Matters investigated several well-known theories. One was the alleged connection of the Kecksburg incident to Nazi research into antigravity technology, specifically, Die Glocke.[28][not in citation given]


Was Roswell UFO Crash A Secret Nazi Aircraft?

10/30/2014 08:01 am ET | Updated Oct 31, 2014
naziufo bell
The Roswell, New Mexico, UFO crash of 1947 was the result
of -- here it comes, wait for it -- top secret Nazi technology. No
alien spacecraft, no alien bodies, but an aircraft called the "Bell"
(depicted above from a 2008 Discovery Channel documentary).

At least that's what a new German film seems to suggest, according to
To be sure, it's questionable what actually happened in the outskirts of that small town 67 years ago. But it's also questionable if this film will ever see the light of day.
At least, here's the most truthful thing known about the incident: Something came out of the sky in July 1947 and crashed on a ranch near Roswell. But what that "something" was has become a nearly 70-year-old legend.
Everything from extraterrestrial spacecraft to weather balloon to military high altitude device for spying on Soviet nuclear testing has been offered for the identity of the crashed object.
And now, the film, supposedly called "UFOs and the Third Reich," is promoting another theory: A 10-foot-wide, 12-foot-high, anti-gravity, bell-shaped craft, combining rocket and helicopter technology, created by Nazi Germany, fell into the hands of the U.S. in 1943, who further developed the project. An alleged test of the Bell resulted in its crash, which became the event that started the Roswell UFO saga.
Stories about the Nazi Bell have cropped up in the UFO literature for many years, including Discovery Channel's 2008 "Nazi UFO Conspiracy."
Watch Discovery Channel's "Nazi UFO Conspiracy" below:
"This is what I saw, with my own eyes -- a Nazi UFO," German aeronautical engineer Georg Klein is reputed to say in "UFOs and the Third Reich." "I don't consider myself a crackpot or eccentric or someone given to fantasies."
The new film is also rumored to focus on German engineer, Joseph Andreas Epp, who reportedly worked on a UFO project which resulted in several saucer-shaped vehicles that supposedly included dome-shaped cabins and a rotating rim.
"The wing blades would be allowed to rotate freely as the saucer moved forward, as in an auto-gyrocopter," Epp said. "In all probability, the wing blades speed -- and so, their lifting value -- could also be increased by directing the adjustable horizontal jets slightly upwards to engage the blades, thus spinning them faster at the digression [sic] of the pilot."
If the so-called Bell UFO is what actually crashed outside of Roswell in 1947, it would contradict the many military eyewitnesses who eventually came forward and described the physical appearance and otherworldy characteristics of the object that fell out of the New Mexico sky -- not to mention their descriptions of several small humanoid occupants of the craft.
This isn't the first time we've looked at the so-called Nazi-UFO-Alien connection.
Back in 2011, investigative reporter Annie Jacobsen raised a controversial question in her book about the top secret Nevada military base, known as Area 51: Did former Soviet leader Joseph Stalin recruit Josef Mengele, the Nazi "Angel of Death," to surgically alter children to look like aliens in 1947, and did they place these malformed adolescents on board a Soviet spy plane to be part of the Roswell UFO crash?
At the beginning of 2014, we examined a wild story that suggested the U.S. government has been under the control of a shadow government overseen by extraterrestrials who helped Nazi Germany's rise in the 1930s.
The current German documentary certainly won't bring more answers to the Roswell debate. At the very least, it offers further questions about who and what to believe of the biggest UFO controversy in history.
And, oh, there's one other thing about this "new" film. Whoever the producers of it are, they don't seem too interested in releasing any promotional clips, trailers or still images from it. An extensive Internet search hasn't turned up anything -- yet.

   Country: Thailand

Nazi UFOs (German: Haunebu, Hauneburg-Gerไte, or Reichsflugscheiben) are advanced aircraft or spacecraft that Nazi Germany supposedly developed during World War II and Nazi scientists continued to develop afterwards. These craft appear not only in fiction but also in various historical revisionist writings. They often appear in connection with esoteric Nazism, an ideology that supposes the possibility of Nazi restoration by supernatural or paranormal means.

Historical connections

Nazi UFO theories agree with mainstream history on the following points:

Nazi Germany claimed the territory of New Swabia, sent an expedition there in 1938, and planned others.

Nazi Germany conducted research into advanced propulsion technology, including rocketry and Viktor Schauberger's turbine work.

Some UFO sightings during World War II, particularly those known as foo fighters, were thought to be enemy aircraft.

Early references

The earliest non-fictional reference to Nazi flying saucers appears to be a series of articles by and about Italian turbine expert Giuseppe Belluzzo. The following week, German scientist Rudolph Schriever claimed to have developed flying saucers during the Nazi period.

Aeronautical engineer Roy Fedden remarked that the only craft that could approach the capabilities attributed to flying saucers were those being designed by the Germans towards the end of the war. Fedden also added that the Germans were working on a number of very unusual aeronautical projects, though he did not elaborate upon his statement.


"The Nazi party had a secret flying disc already off of the drawing board and flying and it was capable of 1200 miles an hour. Vertical take-off, 90ƒ changes, much like a helicopter, and of course was far superior to anything the Allies powers had at that time. Secondly they also had another craft about to be up and going it was capable of doing 2500 miles per hours, which was double the original. Not only did it have the characteristics of the original craft, but it also had a laser weapon aboard it which capable of penetrating four inches of armour. Needless to say that really spooked the allied forces into making a redemptive attempt against Von Braun and bringing him … into a state of capitulation." (6)
Bulgarian Physicist Vladimir Terziski also wrote the following about these mystery craft. "According to Renato Vesco … Germany was sharing a great deal of the advances in weaponry with their allies the Italians during the war. At the Fiat experimental facility at Lake La Garda, a facility that fittingly bore the name of Air Marshall Hermann Goering, the Italians were experimenting with numerous advanced weapons, rockets and airplanes, created in Germany. In a similar fashion, the Germans kept a close contact with the Japanese military establishment and were supplying it with many advanced weapons. I have discovered for example a photo of a copy of the manned version of the V-1 - the Reichenberg - produced in Japan by Mitsubishi. The best fighter in the world, the push-pull twin propeller Dornier-335 was duplicated at the Kawashima works."This appears to be the extent of information that can be verified to a degree. However there is much more that `fits' within the known facts, but cannot be verified independently and therefore may well be fiction portrayed as fact. That said, much of the following information does flow with the themes explored further in the subsequent chapters of this book.Claims have also been made that Nazi Occult societies were involved in the development of such unconventional saucer craft. One such, the `Vril Society' was allegedly `channelling' messages from an alien civilisation in the Aldebaran solar system and planned to develop a craft that could make physical contact with the civilisation there. This may or may not be true; but there was certainly a high level of occult activity in mid-Europe at that time, and no doubt organisations did exist then with unconventional beliefs just as they do today. Whatever the truth of this, by 1934 the Vril Society had apparently developed its first UFO shaped aircraft, known as the Vril 1, which was propelled by an anti-gravity effect. (This was the same year as Viktor Schauberger discussed his flying disk ideas with Hitler.)

The society then allegedly went on to develop this craft, and later - and again allegedly - produced the RFC-2. This craft was apparently 16 feet long and fitted with an improved propulsion system and for the first time, magnetic impulse steering. Interestingly, when in flight, it reportedly produced colour effects normally associated with UFOs.Yet the RFC-2 was largely ignored with only the SS showing an interest in the Vril Society's work. An inner organisation of the SS then set up its own SSE-4 department to develop new alternative technologies to ensure Germany no longer had to be dependent on external sources of energy and it began work on its own version of the RFC or Vril.

By 1939 the SS had produced the RFC-5, which it called the Haunebu 1. In August 1939 the machine made its maiden flight and proved its viability, being more than 65 foot in diameter and offering considerable storage space. By the end of 1940 the RFC-2 (Haunebu II) had entered service as a reconnaissance aircraft and there is certainly photographic evidence to support this, for example an RFC-2 was photographed near Antarctica in 1940 (see next chapter.) It should be noted that there is scant corroborative and historically verifiable information to support these claims, however the design of the Haunebu II should be noted for future reference.Whatever their exact nature, it appears confirmed that a range of alternative design aircraft were by now either on the drawing board, hovering above the ground, or crashing into it. Some of these designs proved viable and successes were

being reported. On 17th April 1945 Miethe was able to advise Hitler that the V-7 had been tested in the skies above the Baltic. This particular craft was a supersonic helicopter fitted with 12 BMW Turbo aggregate engines. During its first test it reached an altitude of 78000feet and then 80000 feet on its second test. Miethe reported that the new craft could be powered by unconventional energy sources in principle. However these new technologies were coming on-line too late, for the war was already being lost and won.Within months the Allies and Russians had poured into central Europe, Hitler was dead and the war apparently over.And as soon as the war was over, ghost rockets started appearing over Scandinavia and within two years `flying saucers' were being reported wholesale over mainland United States.It was no co-incidence.

After the end of the war in 1945, Russian and American intelligence teams began a hunt to track down this perceived military and scientific booty of the advanced German technology. Following the discovery of particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the US War Department decided that the US must not only control this technology, but also the scientists who had helped develop it "to ensure that [America] takes full advantage of those significant developments which are deemed vital to our national security." It therefore launched a project to bring these personnel to the United States. Whilst initially publicised the nature, extent and secrecy of the project, later termed `Operation Paperclip' remained classified until 1973.The thinking behind Paperclip was exemplified in a letter Major General Hugh Knerr, Deputy Commanding General for Administration of US Strategic Forces in Europe, wrote to Lieutenant General Carl Spatz in March 1945: "Occupation of German scientific and industrial establishments has revealed the fact that we have been alarmingly backward in many fields of research, if we do not take this opportunity to seize apparatus and the brains that developed it and put this combination back to work promptly, we will remain several years behind while we attempt to cover a field already exploited." There was however, one slight problem: It was illegal, for US law explicitly prohibited Nazi officials from immigrating to America, and as many as three-quarters of the scientists in question were allegedly committed Nazis. (Indeed as at least 1600 scientists and their dependants were taken to America under Operation Paperclip and its successor projects, it could hardly avoid including Nazis.)

However President Truman decided that the national interest was paramount and that America needed the German scientists to work on America's behalf. In fairness to Truman, he expressly ordered that anyone found to "have been a member of the Nazi party and more than a nominal participant in its activities, or an active supporter of Nazism or militarism" must be excluded from the operation.Operation Paperclip was carried out by the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) and had two aims: Firstly, to exploit German Scientists for American research by rounding up Nazi scientists and taking them to America. and, secondly, to deny these intellectual resources to the Soviet Union (7). (The name `Operation Paperclip' derived from the fact that those individuals selected to go to the United States were distinguished by paperclips on their files joining their scientific papers with regular immigration forms.(8)) The Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) then conducted background investigations on the identified scientists, and in February 1947 the Director of the JIOA, Navy Captain Bosquet Wev, submitted the first set of dossiers to the State and Justice Departments for review.These dossiers, though, proved to be damning, with Samuel Klaus, the State Department's representative on the JOIA Board claiming that all the scientists in the first batch were `ardent Nazis'. The visa requests were consequently denied. (Wev already knew those proposed had Nazi backgrounds this for in a memo dated 27th April 1948 to the Pentagon's Director of Intelligence, he wrote "Security investigations conducted by the military have disclosed the fact that the majority of German scientists were members of either the Nazi Party or one or more of its affiliates." (9) Wev was furious and he fired off a memo to the State Department in March 1948 warning that "the best interests of the United States have been subjugated to the efforts expended in `beating a dead Nazi horse'" (10).

The following month, 27th April 1948, Wev again wrote to his superiors concerned about the delays in approving the German scientists. He stated "In light of the situation existing in Europe today, it is conceivable that continued delay and opposition to the immigration of these scientists could result in their eventually falling into then hands of the Russians who would then gain the valuable information and ability possessed by these men. Such an eventuality could have a most serious and adverse effect on the national Security of the United States." (11) By this time the Nazi Intelligence leader, Reinhard Gehlen had met with the future CIA Director (26th February 1953 - 29th November 1961), Allen Dulles (right), and they had hit it off. Gehlen was a master spy for the Nazis and had infiltrated Russia with his vast intelligence network. (In 1942 the future CIA Director Dulles had moved to Bern, Switzerland, as Head of Office of Strategic Services to negotiate with some Nazi leaders who were already convinced they were going to lose WWII and wanted a deal with the US about a possible future war with the USSR.) Dulles was not above pursuing his own agenda with the Nazis, for he had worked with many of them before the war; as a prominent New York lawyer (1926-1942 and again from 1946 to 1950) When Gehlen surrendered to the US, he was taken to Fort Hunt, Virginia, where he and the US Army reached an agreement: his intelligence unit would work for and be funded by the US until a new German Government came into power. In the meantime, should he find a conflict between the interests of Germany and the US, he could consider German interests first (12). For almost ten years the `Gehlen Org' as it became to be known, operated safely within the CIA and was virtually the CIA's only source of intelligence on Eastern Europe. Then in 1955 it evolved into the BND (the German equivalent of the CIA) and continued to co-operate with its US counterparts.The scientists immigration problem was then side-stepped with the dossiers being `cleansed' of incriminating evidence and, as promised, Allen Dulles delivered Gehlen Org, the Nazi Intelligence Unit, to the CIA, which later opened many umbrella projects based on earlier Nazi research.Operation Paperclip also had a part to play in events at Maury Island. Washington State, itself, was the location of several aerospace defence contractors, which were benefiting from the then secret Paperclip Operation. It was also the location of sightings in 1947 of a number of aircraft that looked suspiciously like some that had been seen on Nazi drawing boards and in the skies above Europe towards the end of the war.The officers who attended the Maury Island incident, Davidson and Brown belonged to G-2: It was G-2's responsibility to ensure Operation Paperclip was kept as a covert activity and provide the necessary security to achieve this. Another function of G-2 was the surveillance of anyone whose activities put Paperclip security at risk. That they were on their way to Wright-Patterson AFB with the objects Crisman had given them, was entirely logical - Wright Patterson (then Wright-Field) was the major research and development centre where many of the Nazi scientists had been taken to continue their work.One of the most prominent of the Paperclip physicians was Hubertus Strughold, later known as the `father of space medicine' and after whom the Aeromedical Library at the USAF School of Aerospace medicine was named in 1977. His April 1947 intelligence report stated "[H]is successful career under Hitler would seem to indicate that he must be in full accord with Hitler." However he was admitted under Operation Paperclip on the grounds that he was "not an ardent Nazi." (13)Other Nazis included Klaus Barbie, the so-called `Butcher of Lyon', Otto von Bolschwing, infamous for his holocaust activities and the SS Colonel, Otto Skorzeny (14). However the cleansing of the files did not always stand up to the scrutiny of time. In 1984, Arthur Rudolph, who, in 1969 had been awarded NASA's Distinguished Service Award, left the country rather than face charges as a Nazi war criminal.

Another former alleged Nazi was Wernher Von Braun. Born on 23rd March 1912, von Braun became one of the world's first and foremost rocket engineers and a leading authority on space travel. Born the son of Prussian aristocrats Baron Magnus and Baroness Emmy von Braun, the young Wernher read Hermann Oberth's `By Rocket into Planetary

Space' (De Rakete zu den Planetenaumen), and his new interest led him to later enrol at the Berlin Institute of Technology in 1930. In 1932 he received his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering and he was then offered a grant to conduct and develop scientific investigations on liquid-fuelled rocket engines (15). Von Braun's rocket experiments were tested at the Kummersdorf Proving Grounds, sixty miles south of Berlin, between 1932 and 1937.Kummersdorf was the launch site of two German V-2 rockets in 1934 (16). After their launch, Braun started work on a jet-assisted take off vehicle for heavy bombers and all-rocket fighters (17) however Kummersdorf was too small for this task, and so von Braun relocated to Peenemunde on the Baltic Coast where he became director from 1937-1945. This site was then equipped with laboratories and industrial facilities to facilitate the development, production and testing of the German V-1 (Vengeance Weapon 1) and V-2, (Vengeance Weapon 2) rockets (18). It was this V-2 rocket that inflicted such heavy damage on England during the war. Von Braun was not a reluctant Nazi. Indeed, "he joined the National Socialist Aviation Corps, getting his pilot's license in 1933, the DAF trade organisation, a hunting organisation associated with the Nazis, the air raid protection investigation, and the SS horseback riding school (19)." Von Braun's own admissions in US Army records further show that he was a former SS Major who frequently visited the underground rocket factory where 25,000 prisoners from the concentration camp Dora had died. According to the former executive producer of CNN's investigative unit, Linda Hunt, von Braun attended a meeting that discussed rounding up of citizens off the streets of France to be taken to Dora.As the war entered its dying throws in 1945, von Braun ordered two men to find an abandoned mine in the Harz Mountains to hide data about the V-2s. Several large boxes were then placed in a discovered cave and von Braun sent his younger brother Magnus off on a bicycle he had borrowed from a local innkeeper to look for Allies to whom they could surrender. Von Braun and his scientific staff duly surrendered to the US Army whilst most of the production engineers were taken prisoner by the Soviets (20). After entering America as part of Project Paperclip, on a pay of $6 a day plus lodging in a military installation, Braun worked on guided missiles for the US Army. He returned to Bavaria in 1948 to marry his second cousin and he later served as Technical Director then later Chief of the Guided Missile Development Division of Redstone Arsenal from 1950 to 1956 whilst living in Huntsville, Alabama (21). Von Braun was later appointed Director of Development Operations Division of the Army Missile Agency, which developed the Jupiter-C rocket that was to successfully launch the western's hemisphere's first satellite, `Explorer-I' on 31st January 1958, auguring the birth of the American Space Programme (22). Two years later von Braun and his team were transferred to NASA's Marshall Space Flight Centre where he served as Director from July 1960 to February 1970. During the 1950s and 60s he achieved an almost celebrity status as one of Walt Disney's experts on the `World of Tomorrow'. In 1970 he became NASA's associate administrator and without him, it is unlikely that the organisation would ever have put man on the Moon.

Over a course of twenty years, von Braun received approximately 25 honorary degrees and he accepted many other awards and medals, presented to him from small cities, to NASA and even the President. (Right - Von Braun with President Kennedy.)His dossier was apparently rewritten so he didn't appear an enthusiastic (alleged) Nazi and he attempted to play down his real Nazi involvement by claiming "In 1939 [sic] I was officially demanded to join the National Socialist Party. At this time I was already Technical Director at Peenemünde … The technical work had … attracted attention at higher and higher levels. Thus, my refusal to join the party would have meant that I would have to abandon the work of my life. My membership in the party did not include any political activity (23)." However, von Braun's claim was simply untrue, for other scientists successfully used an old rule of the Weimar Republic that was still in use, forcing anyone in the military to abstain from political affiliation.

Wernher von Braun's mentor, Hermann Oberth also entered the US after the war under Operation Paperclip. Born 25th June 1894 in the Transylvanian town of Hermannstadt, Oberth is widely recognised as the founding father of modern rocketry, having published the paper in 1923 that was to so inspire von Braun, `Die Rakete zu den Planetenraumen' (By Rocket into Planetary Space.) This was followed by a longer version (429 pages) in 1929 that was internationally regarded as a work of tremendous scientific importance. When in his thirties, Oberth took Wernher von Braun (who affectionately referred to Oberth as his `teacher') on as an assistant, and they worked together at Peenemunde developing the V2 rocket. After entering the US at the end of the war along with the remaining 100 V2 rockets and components, Oberth again worked with Von Braun as the entire Peenemunde team was re-assembled at the White Sands Proving Grounds. Oberth and Von Braun continued their work and it was a later development of the same V2 rocket which had inflicted so much damage on Northern Europe that was eventually to propel the first American into space in the Saturn V rocket. Oberth retired three years after entering the US and returned to Germany where he headed us the Oberth Commission for the German Government into the UFO phenomenon.

...UFO's emblemed with Nazi swastica's
..."aliens" wearing Nazi uniforms
..."abductions" involving Nazi mind control scenarios
...Just what is going on???

It all began with what was probably one of the most devastating immigrations to America. A German by the name of Johannes Rockefeller arrived in America early in her history and gave rise to a family line that would later finance the Nazi revolution in Germany, even to the degree of merging their Standard Oil Company with the Nazi owned and operated I. G. Farben chemical company, which provided Zyklon-B cyanide gas for the German death camps during world war II. Following the war, there is more than enough evidence to conclude that these American corporate fascists secreted literally thousands of hard-core Nazi's into the USA, shuffling them into the various levels of the military-industrial-intelligence fraternity which the Rockefellers essentially owned and operated, while at the same time sponsoring U.S. "presidents" who would faithfully remove power from Congress [via vetos, executive orders, the appointing rather than electing of executive branch personnel, and the creation of several secret agencies which operated under security classifications that even the most powerful Congressional overseers were forbidden from acquiring].

In recent years men like Vladimir Terziski have exposed a literal "vast right wing conspiracy" involving fascist military industrial fraternities in Germany, the United States of America, AND in Antarctica of all places... from where hard core fascists who still believe that Adolph Hitler was a god continue to advance the dark technology which began in the underground bases and concentration camps of World War II Germany. S.S. "pure bred" scientists within the alleged Nazi base in Antarctica, code named the "New Berlin" according to Terziski, have been carrying out -- in addition to MIND CONTROL and BIOGENETIC experimentation -- continuous research and development in the field of ANTIGRAVITY propulsion, at least to a ten-fold degree over and beyond the research efforts that were carried out by the Nazi scientists during World War II.

Millions are familiar with the so-called "Roswell Incident", however few realize the potential Nazi connection to this unusual and enigmatic incident in America's history.

Our moon program was basically founded on the research of ONE Nazi "rocket" scientist by the name of Werner Von Braun, however many do not realize that not only rocket propulsion but also antigravity propulsion was an integral part of the Nazi space projects. Could the Nazi's have reached the moon prior to the USA? There are even reports of Nazi 'space' bases on the moon... and also of massive Nazi bases under the mountains of Neu Schwabenland, Antarctica...

And these reports just keep coming...

Even stranger still, it is a known fact that Adolph Hitler read a book by Rosecrucian Grandmaster E. Bulwer Lytton, titled The Coming Race, about a subterraneous race which possessed supernatural technology and who, according to the novel, were intent on one day claiming the surface world for their own. Probably due to his fascination for occult legendry and of mystic tales -- such as the Bhuddist's traditions of a vast underground world called Agharti and the Hindu legends of a reptilian cavern world called Patalas, etc. -- Adolph became obsessed with the novel and was apparently fanatical over the prospect of an imminent underground invasion of the surface world in the future, and wanted to make alliances with these underground races so that once they emerged he could rule the earth in joint capacity. Some have posed an unusual theory that these underground beings consist of three main types: human like sorcerers, reptilian humanoids who are apparently a branch off from the ancient raptor-type bi-pedal saurian species who by-passed extinction by escaping into an underground cavern realm [literal dungeons & dragons stuff...], and also short greyish cybernetic drones...

Above and beyond all of this, there are reports of a 'possible' Nazi-alien connection/collaboration operating in a massive underground base near or under the Denver International Airport of Colorado.

Also, a MAJOR CONTROL CENTER for Nazi-Reptilian collaboration is reported to exist beneath the Gizeh plateau of Egypt, in some strange type of scenario that might seem to be a cross between STARGATE and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.

Also in addition to reports that an inner core of occultic Nazi's had established a collaboration with the 'Dracos', there are also claims that this led to the genetic engineering of 'Nazi' personnel who appeared somewhat similar to blond 'Aryans' yet who had/have distinct draconian characteristics as well, for instance four fingers, telepathic abilities, and other possible indicators of possible inter-species genetic 'hybridization'...

Also, if this were not enough, there are still other claims that World War II itself was essentially the outward manifestation of Galactic War III, which was waged between the Sirians [via their British-Masonic representatives on earth] and the Orionites [via their German-Jesuit representatives on earth]. In short, things "may" not always be what they seem...

Apparently, at least in some cases [according to certain sources], these 'Nazi' collaborators in Antarctica and elsewhere were themselves taken over by reptilian poltergeists, sort of like the reptilian 'parasite' depicted in the movie STARGATE, which took over the body of an Egyptian boy. Some suggest that these "reptilians", who exist on 3rd, 4th and 5th density/dimensional levels, largely reside underground. Could Hitler's numerous Nazi "expeditions" throughout all parts of the globe in search for caverns/mines/tunnels leading to an underground world have actually succeeded in bringing Nazi agents into contact with an insidious reptilian race which inhabits the bowels of the earth, one which began to "assimilate" their new-found human hosts for what ever draconian purpose they might have been engaged in? Or are the "reptilians" seen during many UFO encounters merely the product of Nazi biogenetic experimentation, possibly involving the genetic splicing of human and reptilian DNA in order to produce a 'race' that could survive and adapt to the evident dangers and harsh conditions of interplanetary exploration and colonization!?

A friend of mine from Canada [who I haven't heard from in months] speaks of an underground facility somewhere in Nevada [near Paradox, according to Val Valerian, or so the woman who was taken there told him. I could not find a Paradox Nevada... I found a Paradise Nevada and a Paradox Colorado, so perhaps there is some confusion here], a facility which serves as a terminal between the surface and 'alien' caverns deep below. This base is allegedly jointly occupied by poltergeist-like semi-transparent beings, Dracos, Sirians and several German Nazis. The 'Nazis', he was told, use human children abducted from the surface to indulge their twisted sexual perversions, the Sirians [who are apparently descended from 'ancient astronauts' from earth who colonized nearby star systems] use the children for genetic research, and the dracos for 'sustenance'. It is a literal 'hell' beneath the earth, at least for these doomed children... IF we can believe such nightmarish tales.

There are others who speak of Nazis [Antarcticans] that have infiltrated en-mass the cavern systems and ancient tunnel-networks left by the Murians and Atlanteans which exist below the western U.S. John Grace [aka Val Valarian] made some interesting comments. When he was going through some old newspapers in New Mexico, circa late 1930's and early 1940's, he came across several stories of German 'tourists' who were "all over New Mexico" exploring caves and mines, buying up property, and engaging in other kinds of weird activity... suggesting that the Germans [Nazis] may be involved with the Dulce, New Mexico scenario. One heart-retching story that seems to suggest this scenario describes one underground hell-hole that is jointly occupied by dracos and the so-called 'master race' Aryan-like people, who are apparently products of Adolph Hitler's master race genetics programs. I believe that Nightmare Hall under the Dulce New Mexico base is being referred to in the following account, and if not, then no doubt a facility that is intricately connected with the same. Check out the second story, 'Remembrances'.

It is interesting that the name of the underground base below Dulce, New Mexico is "ULTRA", which is said to be the VERY SAME name used by a super-secret NSA agency that reportedly deals with "aliens", AND ALSO the name of the secret Nazi S.S. scientific force which reportedly constructed the massive underground bases below Antarctica previous to, during, and following the second world war.

There is another source that mentions these cavern- dwelling fascists who have infiltrated the multi-trillion dollar black budget "underground empire" [i.e. a network of underground biogenetic labs, antigravity craft hangers, and mind control research facilities, and so on] beneath the U.S., which is maintained by the fascist cabal which controls much of the military-industrial fraternity, and who are increasingly being contested by left-wing political forces who are establishing their own underground operations in the USA and abroad.

The writer of the above article believes that a Sino-Russian [leftist] alliance will simultaneously attack America AND simultaneously attack the underground fascist-alien lairs underneath the continental U.S., and target the caverns that are occupied by the neo-Nazi "Black Ops" forces which infest the U.S. Military-Industrial complex. If such a conflict does occur, you might want to hide away in a safe place until the "storm" passes so as not to get caught in the crossfire, and I wouldn't try to stop it, because it's probably Divine Will that such a "purging" takes place, considering that Americans themselves have as a whole essentially failed to engage and defeat the "enemy within" themselves.

True, there have been pockets of "resistance" here and there, such as in the Dulce Wars, however these have not been very effective, in that only those with the highest security classifications were able to take part in such actions, and honestly, if the "government" is not going to let the people as a whole know what's going right under their feet so that they can SUPPORT such military efforts, then what little efforts ARE made will be relatively futile. This is not the fault of any one person, but rather the fault of the secrecy basis of the entire intelligence "machine". The "government" in SOME cases may have had honest motives in maintaining the coverup in order to prevent "panic", however in order to maintain the coverup they have had to justify "deadly force", and the system of secrecy that they implemented eventually took on a life of its own... a system that is in fact subject to manipulation by the "regressive" forces operating from within the underground levels. So the very coverup that was originally meant to protect us has become the very weapon that the "Nazi's/aliens" [or what ever] are using to enslave us. As the ancient Chinese saying goes... "Beware when fighting a dragon that you do not become one."

So essentially things have gone "way out of control" [a phrase that you will here often among those who have "inside connections"]. Fact is, the "government" can not and will not save us... since it has -- especially within the executive-military-industrial levels -- been infiltrated to the core. The only thing that can defeat the forces of alien collectivism is INDIVIDUALS like you and me, and that only by the grace of God Almighty.

Incidentally, some abductees, from what I have heard, have been taken to underground bases where they have seen swasticas on the walls, or have seen UFO craft with the same symbol. There are many sources which tend to confirm the Nazi-UFO connection.

It seems however to be that a worst-case scenario might be to encounter a draco-aryan [nazi] hybrid or a nazi 'possessed' by a fifth density draco -- apparently a reptilian host that has been targeted by a poltergeist, and assimilated in parasite/host capacity until the physical reptilian "host" is literally shape-shifted and pulled out of the third dimension by the incarnating other dimensional being, at which point the symbiotic repti-poltergeist might then try to find a human host [as in the movie STARGATE] and thus generate a tri-symbiotic entity. That is, the worst that the angelic, human and reptilian 'races' have to offer, all integrated into one twisted entity. Let us hope that we never have the misfortune of encountering such an unholy creature, unless it is at the hollow end of our shot gun!

Was such a creature similar to the one that Barney Hill encountered with his wife Betty, an integral part of the mother of all abduction cases which took place in 1961? In the book MYSTERIES OF THE MIND, SPACE & TIME, page 1379, Barney Hill is quoted as making the following statement under regressive hypnosis:

"...another figure has an EVIL face... he looks like a German NAZI... His eyes! His eyes. I've never seen eyes like that before."


 .Terran Mr.Terran is offline Light-Minute
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 Country: Thailand

The 'Bellenzo-Schriever-Miethe Disc'.

The retractable undercarriage legs terminated in inflatable rubber cushions. The craft was designed to carry a
crew of three The "Schriever-Habermohl" flying disc developed between 1943 and 1945 consisted of a stable
dome-shaped cabin surrounded by a flat, rotating rim. Toward the end of the war, all the models and prototypes
were reported destroyed before they could be found by the Soviets. According to postwar U.S. intelligence
reports, however, the Russian army succeeded in capturing one prototype. After the war, both Schreiver and
Miethe, another German scientist involved in the design of flying disks, came to work for the US under ‘Operation
Paperclip.’. Habermohl was reported, by U.S. Army Military Intelligence, as having been taken to the Soviet Union.

The first non-official report on the development of this craft is to be found in Die Deutschen Waffen und
Geheimwaffen des 2 Weltkriegs und ihre Weiterentwicklung (Germany's Weapons and Secret Weapons of the
Second World War and their Later Development)., J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, Munich, 1956, pps 81-83. The author
of this detailed and technical work on German wartime weaponry was Major d.R. Rudolf Lusar, an engineer who
worked in the German Reichs-Patent Office and had access to many original plans and documents. Lusar
devoted a section of the chapter entitled "Special Devices," to Third Reich saucer designs.

Among other things, Lusar declared: "German scientists and researchers took the first steps toward such flying
saucers during the last war, and even built and tested such flying devices, which border on the fantastic.
According to information confirmed by experts and collaborators, the first projects involving "flying discs" began in
1941. The blueprints for these projects were furnished by German experts Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe, and the
Italian expert Bellonzo.

"Habermohl and Schriever chose a flat hoop which spun around a fixed pilot's cabin in the shape of a dome. It
consisted of steerable disc wings which enabled, according to the direction of their placement, in horizontal takeoff
or flight. Miethe developed a kind of disk 42 meters in diameter, to which steerable nozzles had been attached.
Schriever and Habermohl, who had worked together in Prague, took off on 14 February 1945 in the first "flying
disc." They attained a height of 12,400 meters in three minutes and a horizontal flight speed of 2000 KMH. It had
been expected to reach speeds of up to 4000 KMH.

"Massive initial tests and research work were involved prior to undertaking the manufacture of the project. Due to
the high rate of speed and the extraordinary heat demands, it was necessary to find particular materials in order
to resist the effects of the high temperatures. Project development,which had run into the millions, was practically
concluded by the final days of the war. All existing models were destroyed at the end of the conflict, but the factory
at Breslau in which Miethe had worked fell into the hands of the Soviets, who seized all the material and technical
personnel and shipped them to Siberia, where successful work on "flying saucers" was conducted.

"Schreiver was able to leave Prague on time, but Habermohl must be in the Soviet Union, since nothing more is
known concerning his whereabouts. The aged German builder, Miethe, is in the United States developing, it is
said, "flying saucers" for the A.V. Roe Company in the U.S.A. and in Canada..."

The Schriever-Habermohl Project

The project is usually referred to as the Schriever-Habermohl project although it is by no means clear that these
were the individuals in charge of the project. Rudolf Schriever was an engineer and test pilot. Less is known about
Otto Habermohl but certainly he was an engineer. This project was centered in Prag, at the Prag-Gbell airport
Actual construction work began somewhere between 1941 and 1943 This was originally a Luftwaffe project which
received technical assistance from the Skoda Works at Prag and at a Skoda division at Letov and perhaps
elsewhere. Other firms participating in the project according to Epp were the Junkers firm at Oscherleben and
Bamburg, the Wilhelm Gustloff firm at Weimar and the Kieler Leichtbau at Neubrandenburg . This started as a
project of the Luftwaffe, sponsored by head of the Luftwaffe’s Technical Section, Generaloberst (Colonel General)
Ernst Udet. It later came under the control of Albert Speer's Armament Ministry at which time it was administered
by engineer Georg Klein. Finally, probably sometime in 1944, this project came under the control of the SS,
specifically under the direct control of SS-Gruppenführer (General) Hans Kammler

Georg Klein stated after the war to American intelligence investigators that he saw this device fly on February 14,
1945 . This may have been the first official flight, but it was not the first flight made by this device. According to
one witness, a saucer flight occurred as early as August or September of 1943 at the Prag-Gbell facility. The
eyewitness was in flight-training at the Prag-Gbell facility when he saw a short test flight of such a device. He
states that the saucer was 5 to 6 meters in diameter (about 15 to 18 feet in diameter) and about as tall as a man,
with an outer border of 30-40 centimeters. It was "aluminum" in color and rested on four thin, long legs. The flight
distance observed was about 300 meters at low level of one meter in altitude.

Joseph Andreas Epp, an engineer who served as a consultant to both the Schriever-Habermohl and the Miethe-
Belluzzo projects, states that fifteen prototypes were built in all. The final device associated with Schriever-
Habermohl is described by engineer Rudolf Lusar who worked in the German Patent Office, as a central cockpit
surrounded by rotating adjustable wing-vanes forming a circle. The vanes were held together by a band at the
outer edge of the wheel-like device. The pitch of the vanes could be adjusted so that during take off more lift was
generated by increasing their angle from a more horizontal setting. In level flight the angle would be adjusted to a
smaller angle. This is similar to the way helicopter rotors operate. The wing-vanes were to be set in rotation by
small rockets placed around the rim like a pinwheel. Once rotational speed was sufficient, liftoff was achieved.
After the craft had risen to some height, the horizontal jets or rockets were ignited and the small rockets shut off
After this, the wing-blades would be allowed to rotate freely as the saucer moved forward as in an auto-
gyrocopter. In all probability, the wing-blades’ speed, and so their lifting value, could also be increased by
directing the adjustable horizontal jets slightly upwards to engage the blades, thus spinning them faster at the
discretion of the pilot.

Rapid horizontal flight was possible with these jet or rocket engines. Probable candidates were the Junkers Jumo
004 jet engines such as were used on the famous German jet fighter, the Messerschmitt 262. A possible
substitute would have been the somewhat less powerful BMW 003 engines. The rocket engine would have been
the Walter HWK109 which powered the Messerschmitt 163 rocket interceptor .If these had been plentiful, the
Junkers Jumo 004 probably would have been the first choice. Epp reports Jumo 211/b engines were used . Klaas
reports the Argus pulse jet (Schmidt-duct), used on the V-l, was also considered .All of these types of engines
were difficult to obtain at the time because they were needed for high priority fighters and bombers, the V-l and
the rocket interceptor aircraft.

Joseph Andreas Epp reports in his book Die Realitaet der Flugscheiben (The Reality of the Flying Discs) that an
official test flight occurred in February of 1945. Epp managed to take two still pictures of the saucer in flight which
appear in his book. There is some confusion about the date of these pictures. Epp states the official flight had
been February 14, 1945 but an earlier lift-off had taken place in August of 1944.

Very high performance flight characteristics are attributed to this design. Georg Klein says it climbed to 12,400
meters (over37,000 feet) in three minutes and attaining a speed around that of the sound barrier . Epp says that
it achieved a speed of Mach 1 (about 1200 kilometers per hour or about 750miles per hour. From his discussion,
it appears that Epp is describing the unofficial lift-off in August, 1944 at this point. He goes on to say that on the
next night, the sound barrier was broken in manned flight but that the pilot was frightened by the vibrations
encountered at that time . On the official test flight, Epp reports a top speed of 2200 kilometers per hour . Lusar
reports a top speed of 2000kilometers per hour . Many other writers cite the same or similar top speed.

There is no doubt of two facts. The first is that these are supersonic speeds which are being discussed.

Second, it is a manned flight which is under discussion.

Some new information has come to light regarding the propulsion system which supports the original assessment.
Although actual construction had not started, wind-tunnel and design studies confirmed the feasibility of building a
research aircraft which was designated Projekt 8-346. This aircraft was not a saucer but a modern looking swept-
back wing design. According this post-war Allied intelligence report, the Germans designed the 8-346 to flying the
range of 2000 kilometers per hour to Mach 2. .Interestingly enough, it was to use two Walther HWK109 rocket
engines. This is one of the engine configurations under consideration for the Schriever-Habermohl saucer project.

Schriever continued to work on the project until April 15, 1945. About this time Prag was threatened by the
advancing Soviet Army. The saucer prototype(s) at Prag-Gbell were pushed out onto the runway and burnt.
Habermohl disappeared and is presumed to have ended up in the hands of the Soviets. Schriever, according to
his own statements, packed the saucer plans in the trunk of his BMW and with his family drove into the relative
security of Bavaria. After cessation of hostilities Schriever worked his way north to his parents house in
Bremerhaven-Lehe. He later worked for the U.S. Army.

Therefore, the history of the Schriever-Habermohl project in Prag can be summarized in a nutshell as follows:
Epp's statement is that it was his design and model which formed the basis for this project. This model was given
to General Ernst Udet which was then later forwarded to General Dr. Walter Dornberger at Peenemünde. Dr.
Dornberger tested and recommended the design which was confirmed by Dornberger to Epp after the war A
facility was set up in Prag for further development and the Schriever- Habermohl team was assigned to work on it
there. At first this project was under the auspices of Hermann Göring and the Luftwaffe. Sometime later, the
Speer Ministry took over the running of this project with chief engineer Georg Klein in charge. Finally, the project
was usurped by the SS in 1944, along with other saucer projects, and fell under the control of Kammler. Schriever
altered the length of the wing-vanes from their original design. This alteration caused the instability. Schriever was
still trying to work out this problem in his version of the saucer as the Russians overran Prag. Haberrmohl,
according to Epp, went back to his original specifications, with two or three successful flights for his version.

Viktor Schauberger [1885-1958], an Austrian inventor who was closely involved with Hitler's Third Reich, worked
on the advancement of a number of flying disc-shaped craft for the Nazis between 1938 and 1945. Based on
"liquid vortex propulsion" many of them, according to records, actually flew. One "flying saucer" [fliegende
untertassen] reputedly destroyed at Leonstein, had a diameter of 1.5 meters, weighed 135 kilos, and was started
by an electric motor of one twentieth horsepower. The vehicle was equipped with a turbine engine to supply the
energy required for liftoff.

According to Schauberger, "If water or air is rotated into a twisting form of oscillation known as 'colloidal', a build
up of energy results which, with immense power, can cause levitation." On one attempt one such apparatus "rose
upwards, trailing a blue-green, and then a silver-colored glow."

The Russians blew up Schauberger's apartment in Leonstein, after taking what remained following an earlier visit
by the Americans. Schauberger supposedly was later involved in working on a top secret project in Texas for the
U.S. Government and died shortly afterwards of ill health.

In a letter written by Schauberger to a friend it states that he once worked at Matthausen concentration camp
directing technically oriented prisoners and other German scientists in the successful construction of a saucer. In
this letter written by Schauberger, he gives further information from his direct experience with the German military :

"The 'flying saucer' which was flight-tested on the 19th February 1945 near Prague and which attained a height of
15,000 metres in 3 minutes and a horizontal speed of 2,200 km/hour, was constructed according to a Model 1 built
at Mauthausen concentration camp in collaboration with the first-class engineers and stress-analysts assigned to
me from the prisoners there.

It was only after the end of the war that I came to hear, through one of the workers under my direction, a Czech,
that further intensive development was in progress: however, there was no answer to my enquiry.

From what I understand, just before the end of the war, the machine is supposed to have been destroyed on
Keitel's orders. That's the last I heard of it.

In this affair, several armament specialists were also involved who appeared at the works in Prague, shortly before
my return to Vienna, and asked that I demonstrate the fundamental basis of it:

The creation of an atomic low-pressure zone, which develops in seconds when either air or water is caused to
radially and axially under conditions of a falling temperature gradient."

Sources and References

Combined Intelligence Committee Evaluation Reports, Combined Intelligence Objectives Subcommittee, Evaluation
Report 149,page 8

Lusar, Rudolf, Die Deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2. Weltkrieges und ihre Weiterentwicklung, J.F.
Lehmanns Verlag, Munich, 1956, pps 81-83

Meier, Hans Justus, "Zum Thema "FliegendeUntertassen" Der Habermohlsche Flugkreisel", reprinted in
Fliegerkalender 1999, Internationales Jahrbuch die Luft-und Raumfahrt, Publisher: Hans M. Namislo, ISBN 3-8132-
0553-3 page 24,

Epp, Joseph Andreas, Die Realität derFlugscheiben, Efodon e.V., c/o Gernot L. Geise,Zoepfstrasse 8, D-82495
1994, page 28,

Keller, Werner, Dr., Welt am Sonntag, "Erste ‘Flugscheibe’ flog 1945 in Prag enthuellt Speers Beauftrager", an
interview of Georg Klein April 25, 1953,

Zwicky, Viktor, Tages-Anzeiger52 für Stadt und Kanton Zuerich, "Das Raetsel der Fliegenden Teller Ein Interview
mit Oberingenieur Georg Klein, derunseren Lesern Ursprung und Konstruktion dieser Flugkörpererklaert"
September 19, 1954, page 4,

Klein, Georg, "Die Fliegenden Teller", Tages-Anzeiger für Stadt und Kanton Zuerich

Der Spiegel, March 30, 1959, "Untertassen: Sie fliegen aberdoch" October 16, 1954, page 5, Article about and
interview of Rudolf Schriever

Comment: This is a fascinating and well-researched piece of investigative journalism but without any question,
those who believe that strange aliens from the outer limits of space visit this world daily, landing at Area 51 in
Nevada for Slurpees and then zipping off again to conduct joyful anal probes of fat women in Mississippi, will
predictably react with shrieks of rage upon reading this. Ed

No rage here just mild amusement
and knowledge of a bigger picture...

See Adamski's UFO films & photos

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Nazi UFO Secrets of World War ll
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An Aeronautical History of Flying Saucers

by Manuel Carballal

[Excerpted from his book "Saucers Unveiled!", 1995]

The concept of "flying saucers" has become synonymous with that of UFO, and by logical extension, to
"extraterrestrial spacecraft." The truth is that these concepts are not necessarily related.

Long before Kenneth Arnold initiated the modern age of the societal phenomenon known as UFO, there were
already "flying saucers" that had little in common with spacecraft from other planets.

Any enthusiast of aviation history will have encountered sketches of "flying saucers" and discoidal aircraft more
than once in aviation catalogues and publications. In his own day, Leonardo Da Vinci had already sketched the
outlines of circular vehicles: war wagons, movable fortresses, and other artifacts which, had they been endowed
with the power of flight, would be the perfect ancestors of our "flying saucers."

the First Flying Saucer?

Later on, in 19th century Germany, as a foreshadowing of the Nazi saucers which have given modern ufologists
such migraines, mathematician and aviation theoretician August Wilhelm Zachariae, nowadays forgotten by
aeronautical history, experimented with circular wing prototypes. In 1922, Lee Richards, an Englishman,
developed a circular wing aircraft in Britain which should have been able to attain speeds of 130 KMH and a
taxiing speed of some 35 KMH.

During the 1930's, a number of circular wing aircraft were built in the United States, some of which would
eventually confuse ufologists, who took them as evidence of UFOs which had crashed on American soil. On one
hand, H. Zimmerman conducted several tests in 1932 with a variety of circular wing aircraft inside a wind tunnel in
order to prove the lesser degree of distension in their extremities. The results of these tests were published in
"Technical Report 431," issued by NACA (known today as NASA), producing a genuine sensation and leading to
the creation of US patent 2,108,093. A practical use for them would be found later on in the "Chance Vought 173"
whose maiden flight occurred in 1942.

Another of these designs, which according to German aeronautical magazines, "should have been endowed with
good short-landing characteristics," was the first of the Caldwell aircraft.

A former carpenter, Jonathan E. Caldwell had learned aeronautical engineering on his own. His natural aptitude
for that discipline was such that he managed to create his very own aircraft manufacturing company. The Gray
Goose Company--Caldwell's enterprise--had designed at least two kinds of circular wing aircraft. One of them was
a small helicopter featuring a conventional fuselage, but mounted over the cockpit was a tripod which held a large
disk, four meters in diameter, with protruding gyrating blades.

The other prototype, which was by far more sophisticated, boasted a structure closely resembling that of a spool,
composed of two steel-reinforced plywood frames, which resembled large cheese boxes. Both sections--designed
to rotated in opposite directions and equipped with a short-bladed rotor that protruded around the edges--were
separated by the pilot's cockpit, which was located near the engine bracket.

In spite of the fact that Caldwell's circular-wing aircraft test flights began in 1935, I have references from the
University of Miami that indicate the same design of aircraft at least a year earlier.

In May 1949, officers of the U.S. Air Force assigned to the collection and study of UFO reports received a letter
from a Maryland citizen who claimed having purchased stock in the Gray Goose Company, a small local firm
engaged in building odd aircraft similar to the "flying saucers" bandied about by the press in those days. We must
keep in mind that two years earlier, the psychosocial phenomenon known as UFO had kicked off on June 24,

Following up on the Marylander's claims, an Air Force team, accompanied by the Maryland Police, visited a old
farm in Glen Burnie which had doubled as a hangar for Caldwell's local aeronautics firm. The remains of a pair of
Jonathan Caldwell's circular-wing aircraft were discovered inside a ramshackle hut located in this suburb of

Apparently, his skill with aircraft did not match his business sense, and this led him to bankruptcy. The
resourceful Caldwell had no problem with selling stock in his company whenever he had financial difficulties, and
such disintegration led him to ruination. Around 1940, When the Maryland tax authorities began to take an
interest in the engineer's file, he disappeared, leaving behind the remains of his earliest "flying saucers."

In time, researchers managed to find a man who had allegedly piloted one of Caldwell's circular-wing aircraft over
Washington, D.C. ten years earlier. Based on the date of the presumptive flight and in the pilot's description, who
stated that the Caldwell airplane had not risen above a few tens of meters during the span of a few minutes, the
Air Force concluded that those prototypes could not be responsible for the "flying saucer" reports that were being
received from all around the country. Nonetheless, the photographs of the remains found in the Gray Goose
Corporation's shed, the early American prototypes of circular-wing craft, have frequently appeared in UFO books
and magazines related to alleged "crashed" saucers.

The Reich's Flying Saucers

In its February 1989 issue, the German magazine Flugzeug published the following report made by a German
aviation official who, allegedly, been the protagonist of the astonishing sighting involving a "flying saucer" at the
Prag-Gbell (formerly Praha-Kbely) aerodrome in 1943. The controversial report follows:

"Place of Sighting: C 14 Flight School at the Prag-Gbell aerodrome. Date of Event: August/September 1943,
supposedly on a Sunday (I seem to recall there were no services on that day. The weather was good, dry and
sunny. Kind of Observation: "I was with my flight comrades on the air strip, more precisely, near the school
buildings, some 2000 meters away from the arsenal (located to the extreme left).

The device was inside the hangar: a disk some 5-6 meters in diameter. Its body is relatively large at the center.
Underneath, it has four tall, thin legs. Color: Aluminum. Height: Almost as tall as a man. Thickness: some 30 - 40
cm., with an rim of external rods, perhaps square orifices.

The upper part of the body (almost a third of the total height) was shrunken over the upper half of the disk. It was
flat and rounded.

Along with my friends, I saw the device emerge from the hangar. It was then that we heard the roar of the
engines, we saw the external side of the disk begin to rotate, and the vehicle began moving slowly and in a
straight line toward the southern end of the field. It then rose almost 1 meter into the air. After moving around
some 300 meters at that altitude, it stopped again. Its landing was rather rough.

We had to leave the area while some custodians pushed the vehicles toward the hangar. Later on, the "thing"
took off again, managing to reach the end of the aerodrome this time.

Afterwards, I made a note in my flight log of the members of the FFS C14 who were present at the moment:
Gruppenfluglehrer (group flight instructor) Ofw. Michelsen; Fluglehrer Uffz. Kolh und Buhler; Flugschüler (flight
students): Ogefr, Klassmann, Kleiner, Müller, Pfaffle, Schenk, Seifert, Seibert, Squarr, Stahn, Weinberger,
Zöbele, Gefr, Hering, Koza, Sitzwohl, Voss, and Waluda."

Certainly, even Flugzeug's editors treat the report cautiously: "the device described by these observers is
antithetical to those described by Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe, and Bellonzo with their vast basic dimensions."
And these German experts cannot be mistaken, since it is known to all of those who are well-versed in
aeronautics that during the history of Nazi aviation at least two circular-wing aircraft were built, and fifteen others
were designed, although there remains the possibility that the object supposedly tested at Prag-Gbell was one of
the prototypes destroyed by the Nazis in order to keep it from falling into Allied hands after the fall of the Third

The history of German "flying saucers," unmindful of previously mentioned antecedents such as the designs of
August Wilhelm Zachariae, begins with Alexander Lippisch, who developed his Delta-winged rocket-fighter, the
Me-163, since early 1939 for Augsburg's Messerschmitt, and which was later produced in a series. Lippisch also
researched the circular-wing endeavors of 1940-41 in AVA's wind tunnel at Gottingen, although without obtaining
spectacular results.

Toward the late '30s, another German was also designing circular aircraft, even more interesting than the ones
by Zachariae. His name was Arthur Sack, a farmer from Machern (near Leipzig). A fan of model aviation, Sack
decided to put aside the speculation about "flying saucers" and get working on one such model. Although
aeronautical publications such as Luftfahrt International, Air International, and RAF Flying Review published
photos of this "Nazi UFO", we have no idea what inspired Sack, yet his saucer exists: It is a flat, circular aircraft,
sporting the colors of the German Luftwaffe. Only two photographs with no additional details have been

The "saucer", with its impeccable military aspect, has a canopy reminiscent of the old M-109, the star of World
War II fighters. The existence of a wooden propeller and a rigid spur can lead one to speculate that this vehicle
was intended as a worthy opponent to the Mustangs, Thunderbolts, and popular Spitfires of the Allies.

AS6 - The Story of a Nazi "UFO"

The public presentation of Sack's flying saucer took place during the celebration of the First National Contest for
Air Models With Combustion Motors, held on the 27 and 28 of June, 1939 in Leipzig-Mockau (Germany).

Arthur Sack's model measured 1,250 mm and weighed 4,500 grams, powered by a built-in Kratmo-30 motor, 0.65
V and 4,500 RPM with a propeller measuring 600mm in diameter.

Those participating in the event, which was wisely held behind closed doors, had to cover a round-trip flight
utilizing the simplest guidance mechanism available. Nonetheless, this early attempt at using small models for
tactical reconnaissance purposes proved to be a resounding failure. Most of the models, fitted with the so-called
"self-guidance device" and their respective motors, displayed their worst qualities.

The only truly remotely guided model, built by Sinn, broke down at the starting line, while another, equipped with
a steam turbine built by Soll, caught fire. It was a veritable disaster.

Sack didn't escape the rash of bad luck. His "flying saucer" was unable to lift off the ground, and finally, Sack had
to throw it into the air himself. After this "assisted takeoff", the model managed to perform 100 meters of stable
flight, just barely reaching the finish line. Sack fine-tuned his designed following this experience in order to
achieve longer, quicker flights. In spite of it all, Arthur Sack was extremely fortunate, since among the spectators
to the event was General-Air Minister Udet, who was deeply impressed by the concept.

Udet became a strong supporter of the military use of "flying saucers," assigning them the role hitherto developed
for barrage balloons. He promised Sack that he would "smooth the road for further research."

No sooner said than done: Arthur Sack built some additional "flying saucer" models prior to beginning the
construction of a manned aircraft in the midst of the war years at the MIMO plant (Mitteldeutsche Motorwerke) in
Leipzig. The final design, which received the nomenclature of AS6, was completed at the Brandis flight shop
(Flugplatz-Werkstatt) in early 1944.

The very first AS6 prototype was equipped with an Argus 10cc, 140 HP engine, and a 6.40 meters thick circular
wing with a Gottinger profile. For a flight weight estimated at some 750 - 800 kgs., the wing load must have been
some 25 to 30 kilos per square meter. Therefore, it almost fit within the measurement parameters of a Klemm 25D.

Finally, with the prototype already in the hangar, all that was needed was to find a pilot--which Sack was not--and
begin testing.

Baltabol, the very same flight leader of the ATG (formerly known as DFW) began to work on the AS6 in April,
1944. He remarked upon seeing the saucer: "The aircraft makes a very positive impression, and its external
aspect is very good. However, it cannot be categorically described as a clean piece of work, taking into
consideration the resources available at Brandis for its utilization."

Baltabol's statement turned out to be prophetic, as the first experiments with the "flying saucer" were burdened
with complications. During the prototype's initial roll-out, both the shape and an unfortunate pedal adjustment
caused the rudder and the brake to fail. A crack in the spur put a premature end to this early attempt.

In the April 1979 issue, Luftfahrt International, the German aeronautical magazine, detailed the first test flights by
the Nazi flying saucer.

"The spur was strengthened later on by a steel rail in the fashion of a faired beam, and as soon as the pedal was
relocated to a more convenient position, the test flight took place. Baltabol attempted five takeoffs from the 1.2
Km runway at Brandis, but the rudder was extremely hard. The right strut on the landing gear cracked during the
final effort."

Upon examination of this problem, the pilot's advice regarding the transference of the landing gear some 20 cm.
to the rear was implemented, a move that required reinforcement of the aircraft's rear. But in the end, the
measure would be redoubled, since the builders believed that the landing gear should be moved back by 40 cm.,
which would cause the prototype's nose to tip forward, and Baltabol refused to accept the responsibility for a
takeoff under such conditions, particularly considering the subsequent changes effected to the rudder and the
braking pedals.

In spite of these and other modifications, the AS6 did not take off on its following test: after rolling down the
runway some 600 meters, the aircraft's nose showed no inclination whatsoever to lift off the ground.

New modifications were made and a new attempt was executed. This time, the saucer would roll to the runway's
maximum length of 700 meters in total calm (there was no wind). When Baltabol accelerated, the AS6 picked up
speed and after 500 meters down the runway, its landing gear lifted off the ground. The Nazi saucer had made its
first leap into space.

However, the illusion was as brief as the leap itself. The aircraft touched down once more, and after several
pilot-controlled bounces, Baltabol decided to forgo the takeoff attempt upon seeing the end of the runway grow
dangerously near. For the following test, Baltabol took advantage of lift forces, causing the machine to roll at a
greater angle, thus obtaining a longer--but not higher--skyward jump. A sequel to the test, conducted the same
day, did not meet greater success, since the propeller gave the vehicle a strong inclination which interfered with
its movement.

According to Luftfahrt, Baltabol suggested that a new series of wind-tunnel experiments be performed in order to
calibrate the vehicle's exact flight and takeoff characteristics. Later on, it would be another pilot, Franz Rosle, who
would test Sack's flying saucer in the summer of 1944, although he too would experience certain difficulties, such
as a new crack in the landing gear.

The harried final month of the war surprised the Brandis field, interrupting testing on the AS6. From that moment
onward, the prototype's story is lost amid the confusion of the armed conflict. Nonetheless, Luftfahrt points out
that in the fall of that very same year, a flying saucer was sighted over the Neubiderg aerodrome, near Munich.
There exists the possibility that this UFO was proof that the AS6 had finally overcome all its technical setbacks.

In any case, the AS6's complex history, from a model imagined by a German farmer to its manufacture as a Nazi
military prototype, constitutes a fine example of the existence of "flying saucers" half a century ago, which bore no
relation whatsoever with alien spacecraft...and it wasn't the only one.

The Myth of the Wonder Machines

In 1959, German publishing house J.F. Lehmanns Verlag, based in Munich, was publishing the third edition of Die
Deutschen Waffen und Geheimwaffen des 2 Weltkriegs und ihre Weiterentwicklung (Germany's Weapons and
Secret Weapons of the Second World War and their Later Development). The author of this German manual was
Major Rudolf Lusar, who devoted a section of the chapter entitled "Special Devices" to Nazi saucer designs.

Among other things, Lusar declared: "German scientists and researchers took the first steps toward such flying
saucers during the last war, and even built and tested such flying devices, which border on the fantastic.
According to information confirmed by experts and collaborators, the first projects involving "flying discs" began in
1941. The blueprints for these projects were furnished by German experts Schriever, Habermohl, Miethe, and the
Italian expert Bellonzo.

"Habermohl and Schriever chose a flat hoop which spun around a fixed pilot's cabin in the shape of a dome. It
consisted of steerable disc wings which enabled, according to the direction of their placement, in horizontal
takeoff or flight. Miethe developed a kind of disk 42 meters in diameter, to which steerable nozzles had been
attached. Schriever and Habermohl, who had worked together in Prague, took off on 14 February 1945 in the first
"flying disc." They attained a height of 12,400 meters in three minutes and a horizontal flight speed of 2000 KMH.
It had been expected to reach speeds of up to 4000 KMH.

"Massive initial tests and research work were involved prior to undertaking the manufacture of the project. Due to
the high rate of speed and the extraordinary heat demands, it was necessary to find particular materials in order
to resist the effects of the high temperatures. Project development, which had run into the millions, was practically
concluded by the final days of the war. All existing models were destroyed at the end of the conflict, but the
factory at Breslau in which Miethe had worked fell into the hands of the Soviets, who seized all the material and
technical personnel and shipped them to Siberia, where successful work on "flying saucers" is still being

These daring and questionable statements by Major Lusar, which were written in the midst of the European flying
saucer craze of the Fifties, have fired the imaginations of many ufologists. However, it is our duty to point out that
experts in aeronautical history have severely criticized these paragraphs, such as the critique which appeared in
the May-June 1975 issue of Luftfahrt International.

The myth about Schriever's "flying top" and the other fantastic discoidal aircraft designs quoted by Lusar would
have no currency whatsoever, were it not for the large number of journalistic references from that time which
allude to such vehicles. While the "magical" technology of the "flying tops" described by Lusar is incompatible with
the fits and starts to get the AS6 airborne, it would be absurd to utterly deny their existence as a result of
contradictory names and dates of the different journalists who dealt with the matter. It is enough to read a
chronicle of a given modern event in five different newspapers to find an endless number of contradictions.

W.A. Harbison, author of Genesis, documented his tale with personal research in West German archives and
periodical libraries, discovering large amounts of press and magazine clippings, all dating to the Fifties,
concerning Rudolf Schriever and his astonishing discoidal designs.

To this end, we questioned Justo Miranda, an aviation historian and model-maker with 20 years' experience,
founder of the A Escala modelling magazine and an expert on terrestrial UFOs.

Miranda confirms the fact that the Germans indeed built several saucers. "The first one among them to fly was a
conventional vehicle (the AS6 V 1 described earlier), which was powered by a propeller motor, and taxied up and
down the runway without ever taking off in April 1944. This low level of performance shouldn't surprise us, since
Professor Alexander Lippisch, in cooperation with Messerchmitt, demonstrated in 1941 that circular wings (profile
K 1253) had very low aerodynamic performance. On the other hand, Johnson and Caldwell, in the United States,
unsuccessfully built similar devices in 1935-36 (they went bankrupt).

"They tried again during wartime with the U.S. Navy's Chance Vought XF5U-1, which was rejected for active
service in spite of the addition of all kinds of rudders which shattered the circular wing principle. Aerodynamically
speaking, circular wings aren't efficient. A half-moon or capital "D" shape, with the flat part toward the back, is
much better. There can be no doubt about it.

"But there exists another path. The Germans discovered through the use of the rotating wing vehicle, which is in
essence an autogiro with a multibladed propeller, some of them touching others, forming a perfect circle and
linked together by an outer ring and a fixed central dome.

"The tube that emerges from the lower part is the jet exhaust, which could be moved to maneuver in mid flight
(like squid do). Blade rotation was accelerated and aimed upward for take-off. Upon acquiring speed--and
tremendous inertia--the blade angle was changed from -3 to +3 degrees, and the device would take off all of a
sudden. There was no need for a system to maintain the cockpit stationary, since the blades rotated
independently, with no torsion factor as is the case with autogiros.

"The prototype flew in the Prague aerodrome in 1943. It was a very promising design and its only flaw was its
flight control. It seems that the final version had two engines: one with a steerable double exhaust over the disc
itself and another underneath it.

"I believe they would have managed to control the differential flow of the four jets to obtain some rudimentary form
of control, but without the use of computers, they would have not managed this before the war's end.

" Closing the blades with an angle of zero to form a continuous surface, the device would have been able to attain
"high subsonic speeds" (about 0.8 Mach) and a considerable altitude. In a preliminary computation, a wing 30
meters in diameter with two HeSO11 jets would reach a height of 25,000 meters without any loss of control. An
impressive reconnaissance craft, and a long range bomber as well! But not the wonder machine that ufologists
would have it be...

Justo Miranda's expert analysis lead to a variety of paths of reflection. To Miranda and other aeronautical
experts, putting aside the exaggeration and mystifications of conspiracy-minded ufologists, it is a fact that the
Germans indeed built "flying saucers" and other surprising aircraft destined to change the course of history.

After the Nazi capitulation, the allies made off with documentation enabling them to reconstruct scientifically, and
even technologically construct, revolutionary aviation prototypes designed by the German air force during World
War II with the intention of changing the aircraft concept. The "Miracle Fighter", for example.

The Miracle Fighter

The fantastic Focke-Wulf "miracle fighter" is one of the few German secret designs which was developed into
publicly acknowledged military airplanes.

Its story begins in 1942. German aeronautical research records for that year include a report by the Aerodynamic
Testing Center in Gottingen, entitled "The Flying Wing". In this report, authors E. Von Holst, D. Küchermann and
K. Solf examined the possibility of conceiving an aircraft that would combine the propulsion and lifting bodies,
based on the flight of dragonflies as a source of inspiration. The original idea called for a powerful,
fuselage-mounted propulsion engine to power two wide-diameter, inverse-rotation propellers. The lightweight and
simple turboprop engine had not yet been developed. As Carlos Simó correctly points out in the Encyclopedia
Más Allá de los Ovnis, such a vertical take-off device could revolutionize German aeronautics.

In the fall of 1944, the "miracle fighter" project had been calculated with great detail, and when compared to other
fighters from the same time period, it should have had extraordinary flight performance: 1000 KMH had been
calculated as its maximum ground speed, and some 840 KMH at an altitude of 11,000 m.. The initial elevation
speed would be 25 meters per second, which would be reduced to 20 meters per second at cruising altitude.

Setbacks in the development of the propellers, according to Sengfelder, and the utter defeat of the Germans,
kept this most interesting aircraft from ever making it off the drawing board. The blueprints fell into American
hands, who realized in June 1945 that an advanced fighter was about to be born. These documents were
stamped SECRET and the ramjet-powered wing was never officially built.

Nonetheless, in spite of the belief that the miracle fighter was never officially developed, the fact is that the
U.S.--ultimate destination of the information liberated from the Nazis--built at least two aircraft suspiciously similar
to the revolutionary German project.

These were the Lockheed XFV-1 "Tailsitter" and the Convair XFY-1 "Pogo", both equipped with fixed wings. In
either case, propulsion was provided by means of a 5,850 HP Allison YT40-A-14 turbine, and two reverse
propellers 4.8 meters in diameter. Although test flights could be completed with relatively favorable results, the
U.S. Navy was not interested in "tail take-off" and the project was abandoned. This is, at least, the official story.

UFOs or Prototypes?

On December 13, 1944, the South Wales Argus published a surprising article which read: "The Germans have
built a secret weapon coinciding with the holiday season. The new device, which appears to be an aerial defense
weapon, resembles the glass ornaments used to decorate Christmas trees. They have been seen suspended in
the air over German territory, sometimes alone, and sometimes in groups. They are silver in color and appear to
be transparent."

Soon after, on January 2, 1945, it was the New York Herald Tribune who stated the following: "It seems the Nazis
have sent a novelty into the night skies over Germany. These are the strange and enigmatic spheres known as
Foo Fighters, which run along the wings of Beaufighter aircraft and secretly fly over Germany. For more than a
month now, pilots have encountered these seemingly-unknown wonder weapons in their nocturnal flights. The
fireballs appear all of sudden, follow airplanes for kilometers at a time, and according to official reports, appear to
be guided from the ground by radio."

These fireballs described by the news media of the time are known to ufologists as "Foo-Fighters", and Allied
pilots considered them to be, at the time, some sort of Nazi secret weapon.

In 1968, Italian author Renato Vesco published his classic Intercept-But Don't Shoot, in which he states the theory
that UFOs are secret earthbound weapons. In his book, Vesco also takes on the tricky "Foo-Fighters," presenting
several sightings and developing his theory concerning secret weapons: "On November 27, 1944, in the vicinity
of the German city of Speier, pilots Giblin and Clerry ran across an enormous, glowing orange light which flew, at
a speed of nearly 500 miles an hour, just scant meters over their fighter..."

"At 0600 hours on December 22, at an altitude of ten thousand feet, near Hagenau, two very large and glowing
orange lights rose quickly from the ground and straight toward us. Once airborne, they followed our airplane
under perfect control (by ground controllers). Their fire seemed to extinguish as they headed off." The remainder
of this report is censored. Evidently, it discussed the unforeseen "illness" of the on-board radar.

Two nights later, the same pilots crossed the Rhine and were surprised by a flaming red ball that suddenly
"turned into a sort of airplane whose upper half was built like a wing. It then glided away and vanished." Other
censored paragraphs follow.

Based on the report of flight officers like these, and the fact that the Allies discovered components of the
Feuerball, Vesco believes that such cases are no way natural phenomena, electrostatic or atmospheric (St.
Elmo's Fire, globe lightning, etc.) Kicking off from this premise, Renato Vesco identifies the Foo Fighters with
secret antiradar weapons.

"In the fall of 1944, an experimental center sponsored by the Luftwaffe at Oberammergau, in the Bavarian Alps,
should have finished research on electrical devices capable of interfering with running engines at a maximum
distance of 30 meters by means of intense electromagnetic fields. Damaging the ignition circuits of an airplane
engine would have caused the vehicle to fall from the sky. To make the invention efficient and practical, German
technicians hoped to at least triple the useful radius of the weapon, but by the time the war was over, experiments
to this end were barely even on the drawing boards.

"Meanwhile, as a sub product of this research for immediate military use, another center under the joint control of
the Speer Ministry and the S.S. Technical High Command had adopted the concept of "radio proximity
disturbances" of interference on the much more delicate and vulnerable electronic devices found on American
fighter planes.

"This, a round, shielded flying machine was born, more or less similar to the shell of a large turtle. It flew by
means of a special jet engine, also flattened and circular, reminiscent of Hiero's Aeolipile, and generating a great
halo of luminous flame. It was both unmanned and unarmed. Radio-controlled up until takeoff, the device would
then automatically follow enemy aircraft, attracted by their exhaust fumes and approaching them without colliding,
which was enough to throw their radar equipment into disarray.

"The flaming peripheral halo was obtained by means of a very "rich" combustion and chemical additives which
intensely ionized the atmosphere near the airplane, subjecting on-board radar to powerful static fields, generated
by large shielded klystron radio tubes which provided special anti-collision and anti-thermal protection.

"A metallic arc flowing with alternating current in the proper frequency (in other words, equal to those used by the
radar station) can block the blips--the return signals appearing on the screen. The Feuerballs, while visible at
night, practically eluded the reach of the most powerful American tracking devices of the time.

"The device's builders hoped that Allied aviators, once the "harmlessness" of the luminous globes had been
determined, would abstain from opening fire on them out of fear of being engulfed in the aftermath of an
explosion. In fact, on more than one occasion, American pilots believed that there was some German technician
on the ground with his finger poised on a button, ready to make the Foo Fighter blow up.

"The Feuerball project was originally started at the Wiener Neustadt aeronautical installations, with the
collaboration of Flugfunk Forschunganstalt (FFO) in Oberpfaffenhoffen for missile guidance (but was it really a
missile?). The first witnesses of the device's early test flights, not yet equipped with its electronic gadgetry, stated
that " day, it resembled a luminous disc spinning around its own axis, and looked like a burning balloon at

"Hermann Göring inspected the project several times, because he expected--as indeed happened--that the
mechanical principle could result in an offensive weapon capable of revolutionizing the field of aerial warfare.

"When the Russians began advancing into Austria, construction of the first Feuerballs was apparently continued
at underground workshops in the Black Forest, operating under Zeppelin Werke. The klystron tubes were
provided by the Forschunganstalt der Deutschen Reichpost (FDRP) division of Aach b. Radolfzell on Lake
Constance, and later, also by Gehlberg. These latter products would be of a lower quality than the previous ones,
which demanded the simultaneous use of more "Feuerballs" operating in formations."

Vesco's information on the Feuerballs is obviously disconcerting, particularly if we keep in mind that some pilots
stated the balls of fire were capable of piercing through the fuselage and the cockpits of their airplanes. And
more so if we consider that this same phenomenon (fire balls) has occurred in many other paranormal contexts.

While there are at least two well-know photographs of Foo Fighters taken by aviators, there also exist photos of
identical "fireballs" taken during spiritist sessions at the turn of the century, during alleged Marian apparitions, in
parapsychic contexts, etc. On the other hand, and according to a number of authors, when the Allied seized
Berlin they discovered that the very same Foo Fighters they considered to be Nazi secret weapons, were taken
by German flyers to be American or British secret weapons, which they had also seen and photographed...

The Foo Fighter mystery, therefore, persists up to this very day, since pilots continue being assaulted by strange
balls of flame. One of the most important modern cases was the one involving a commercial flight of the Spantax
airline between Tenerife and Las Palmas (Canary Islands) on September 17, 1968, piloted by Cmdr. Julián
Rodríguez Bustamante.

The official files on this case, which the Spanish Ministry of Defense considered Top Secret for over 25 years,
were recently declassified. It is surprising to see that the phenomenon witnessed by Cmdr. Rodríguez and his
co-pilot Ibáñez Rubia is described as a Foo Fighter by the Air Operations Command, when it is immediately and
incorrectly related with the controversial phenomenon of ball lightning (the identification of Foo Fighters with ball
lightning stems from the cooperation of two civilian ufologists with the Spanish Air Force. Their tendentious
evaluations and arguments regarding this case are utterly groundless).

At the time, Cmdr. Rodríguez told me, after recounting his encounter in great detail, that he rejected the "secret
weapon" explanation of his UFO sighting. Of course, I agree it's highly unlikely that secret Nazi weapons would
have been tested in 1968, and over Spanish skies yet.

It seems that if Project Feuerball really existed, those wonderful secret guided weapons would have been one
thing, and the Foo Fighters seen before the Second World War, and which still pursue our pilots today, would
have been something else.

Postwar Flying Saucers

Some modern authors have fashioned a fantastic "consparanoid" theory out of some myths concerning Nazi
secrets, such as the building of extremely sophisticated flying saucers, the Third Reich's highly symbolic content,
Hitler's esoteric education and devotions, and the legend about the Nazi Empire's reemergence after its
reorganization in some other part of the world.

W.A. Habinson, mentioned earlier, wrote that: "In May 1978, at Stand 111 of a scientific expo at the Hannover
Messe Hall, some gentlemen were handing out what could at first glance be construed as a conventional scientific
magazine of condensed news articles, entitled "Brisant." It contained two seemingly related articles. One of them
dealt with the scientific future of the Antarctic, and another discussed Germany's WWII flying saucers. The saucer
article stressed all the aforementioned information (on Schriever's "Flying Top", Miethe's vehicle, etc.), but added
that the research centers for "Project Saucer" had been located in the Bohemia and Mahren regions.

"In regards to this, it should be noted that Prague is in Bohemia (it seems one of the first trial flights of these craft
took place in Prague), which is more or less surrounded by the Harz, Thuringia, and Mahren mountains. Vast
subterranean research complexes existed in this region, only a few hundred kilometers from Prague.

"The article also included reproductions of detailed designs of a characteristic WWII saucer, making no mention
of the designer, and claiming that they had been altered by the West German government in order to make their
publication "innocuous"...added to this explanation, the anonymous author pointed out later that during WWII,
such devices, whether civilian or military, had been submitted to the nearest patent office, where they were
automatically considered secret (in compliance with lines 30a and 99 of the Patent-und Strafgesetzuch) and
taken from their owners by the research agencies of Himmler's SS. According to the article, some of these
patents disappeared into secret Russian archives at the war's end. Others did the same into equally secret
American and British archives. The remainder were lost along with several members of the Waffen SS and
German scientists.

"Since neither the British, nor the Americans, nor the Russians will ever reveal what they discovered in Nazi
Germany's secret factories, it is worth noting that in 1945, Sir Roy Feddon, one of the heads of the German
tactical mission for the Aeronautical Production Ministry reported: "I have seen enough of their designs and
production plans to understand that if they had managed to protract the war only by a matter of months, we would
have been faced with a number of deadly elements from an entirely new form of aerial warfare." Around 1956,
Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, then in charge of Project Blue Book, had stated: At the end of World War II, Germany
had developed several types of airplanes and guided missiles, mostly still in the planning stages, but they were
the only devices similar to the UFO phenomenon in their behavior."

One of these circular aircraft was the V-173, better known by its nickname--the Flying Flapjack.

The V-173 had already been tested in 1942 based on the ideas of Charles Zimmerman (mentioned earlier).
When the saucer psychosis broke out in the U.S. in 1947, the V-173 (perfected as the XF5 U-1 later on) was
blamed on all the UFO sightings made over American skies. However, the XF5U-1 prototype crashed during a test
flight in 1948, and the V-173 was consigned to oblivion at the U.S. Navy Air Station in Norfolk, Virginia.

It is important to bear in mind that the UFO phenomenon kicks off in 1947, in the form we now recognize, as a
result of observations made by Kenneth Arnold over Mount Rainier. Paradoxically, Arnold didn't see "flying
saucers," rather, he witnessed a formation of nine boomerang-like devices, or "D"-shaped with the straight
section aimed backward (the reader will recall the comments made by Justo Miranda regarding this most
aerodynamic shape). It was a journalistic error that assigned Arnold the term "flying saucer." What really matters
is that the saucer myth spread quickly across the U.S., and then throughout the rest of the world.

Arnold, along with subsequent authors, believed that he had witnessed some secret weapon being tested, rather
than alien spacecraft. The years following the Mount Rainier sighting were filled with scorn toward UFO witnesses
and the suspicion that the U.S. government was developing new secret military aircraft.

A few years ago, a former American federal agent stationed at the Spanish-American air base in Zaragoza,
provided us a video "for military use only" depicting the test flights of one of these saucer-shaped vehicles. But
the story of the Canadian-American saucer had begun much earlier.

Other Postwar Saucers

Shortly after Arnold unleashed America's saucer psychosis, a former aviation official who was also a member of
the 7th Air Army's intelligence service at the end of the war, told the New York press corps: "Nothing is easier to
believe than that flying saucers are the later development of a psychological antiaircraft weapon that had already
been used by the Germans. During nocturnal missions over Germany, I was sometimes lucky enough to see discs
or luminous globes following our formations. It was known that German nighttime fighters were equipped with
powerful strobe lights on their bows or within the propeller housing (strobes which would suddenly bring their
lights to bear upon the target, partly to make more visible, but more than anything, to blind the tail gunners on the
bombers). Due to this, there were often alarms which caused continuous nervous tension among the crews,
affecting their performance in combat. During the final year of the war, the Germans sent a certain number of
guided objects (the Feuerballs or "foos") to tamper with the ignition systems on our engines and the on-board
radar. American scientist have probably adapted the invention and are probably developing it to the new
measures of aerial attack and defense."

This testimony in favor of the origin of UFOs as a postwar development of secret weapons was far from being the
only one. On the other hand, the allusion to the concept of a "psychological weapon" is very interesting. This very
same notion is featured in a memorandum from the CIA's director, released from official secrecy by FOIA
(Freedom of Information Act) and the legal initiatives undertaken by Ground Saucer Watch in their lawsuit against
the CIA during the '70s, seeking to obtain the agency's confidential UFO information.

On the other hand, Andreas Epp, a theoretician of vertical flight and a designer of flying saucers during World
War II, and who is still alive, told a German television producer that his design had been "expropriated" and
developed by Nazi engineers. Furthermore, it had managed to fly prior to the war's conclusion. Epp has two
photos of his "flying saucer" in flight, taken in Vienna near the end of the war. The fact is that Epp's photographs
are identical to those of any discoidal UFO seen today. Like many others, he has no doubt that flying saucers
exist, but are built here on Earth.

Naturally, there is an unsoundable chasm between military saucer designs, held under the strictest secrecy, and
those which were subsequently developed by civilian aeronautics.

July 9, 1953, witnessed the maiden flight of the Rolls-Royce Thrust Test Bed. The "Flying Bedstead", which
provided invaluable data for the VTOL program, lifted its 3000 kg. weight vertically off the ground by means of the
raw thrust provided by its escape gases. Two 427 liter tanks gave it an endurance of only 10 minutes.

Yet another example appeared in the scientific press, in 1961. It was the XR-62 Rotoplane, a VTOL aircraft
(vertical take-off and landing) capable of attaining speeds of 282 KMH and as its very name indicates, depended
on the rotation of its large 4-meter circular wing. The Rotoplane had a rising speed of 180 miles a minute, thanks
to a 260 hp Lycoming engine permanently connected to a variable-tilt propeller. Like any helicopter, the strange
circular airplane could hover in the air, and its promoter, aeronautical engineer Ben Kaufman, was hoping to
develop an entire fleet for military and civilian applications in the future. The circular airplane's original design
was 7 meters long, 6.7 meters wide, and 2.4 meters tall. With two engines and a cargo capacity of 50 kg., it had
an overall weight of 840 kilograms. Its ceiling was of 1300 meters.

On the other hand, among the stack of papers that GSW manage to retrieve from CIA archives after the judicial
process based upon the Freedom of Information Act, there were numerous references to prototypes and designs
for earthly UFOs. According to these documents, Dr. Edward Ludwig told a Chilean journalist on July 13, 1950,
that the "flying saucers" being seen in the U.S. reminded him of an entirely different kind of aircraft that was being
developed during the years in which he worked at Professor Junker's research plant in Dessau. Needless to say,
these were discoidal craft.

Another document makes reference to a patent for a "flying saucer" presented in the former West Germany in
1952 by Rudolf Schriever (creator of the controversial "flying top"). In this instance, there is mention of a test
flight made over Prague in 1942. The "Nazi saucer" would have reached an altitude of 12,400 meters in 3
minutes, and a speed of 2,200 KMH.


Another scientist who brought new knowledge to America was Viktor Schauberger. Although there is no evidence that Schauberger had Nazi sympathies, he was viewed by the Americans as a collaborator and put `into protective custody' for six months at the end of the war.
Dr Walter Miethe, and Rudolph Schriever also entered America under Operation Paperclip, however it is believed that their colleague Habermohl fell into Russian hands.
Whilst in the US, Miethe continued his `flying disk' work working primarily for the US Air Force, however he was sub-contracted to A. V. Roe and Company.

In 1959 Jack Judges, a freelance cameraman was flying over this company's plant in Canada when he saw and photographed this picture (left) of a disk shaped craft sitting on the ground.

After the photograph was published in the papers, speculation grew that the disk was a secret weapon, and one that may have accounted for many of the UFO sightings during previous years.
In response to the speculation, the US Air Force released the following official photograph of the craft. It was called the `Avro' and had first been launched in 1955.
A CIA memo of that year confirmed that the craft was based work undertaken by German scientists, notably Miethe, during WWII. The design was later abandoned in the late 1960s with the Air Force maintaining it was still at an experimental stage when abandoned. The 1990s were to reveal the craft was part of the secret `Project Silver Bug', a project to develop a craft that had VTOL (vertical take-off and landing) capabilities that would dispense with the need for runways - and reduce the risks of such runways been targets of attack thus immobilising any aircraft that may rely on it.

Other German scientists similarly brought their expertise - and designs - into the US after the war. `America's Aircraft Year Book' notes how many of them worked at Ft. Bliss (von Braun et al above) and Wright Field:- the first and second homes of the Roswell wreckage. Among those in the German group at Wright Field were Rudolph Hermann, Alexander Lippisch, Heinz Schmitt, Helmut Heinrich, Fritz Doblhoff and Ernst Zundel.
Hermann was attached to the Peenemunde Research Station for Aerodynamics where Germany's V-2 rockets were hatched and launched against England. A specialist in supersonics, he was in charge of the supersonic wind tunnel at Kochel in the Bavarian Alps. He was also a member of the group entrusted with Hitler's futuristic plans to establish a space-station rocket-refuelling bases revolving as a satellite about the Earth at a distance of 4,000 miles - a scheme which he and certain high ranking AAF officers in 1947 still believed possible."
One of these scientists Dr. Alexander Lippisch had designed another German craft that could be mistaken at the time for a flying disc, certainly at least when viewed from the side.

Lippisch had developed a number of projects leading up to the war, having been inspired by witnessing a flight by Orville Wright in September 1909 when a boy of 14.

By November 1944, Lippisch, along with his students, had constructed the DM-1, a delta with 60ƒ swept leading edges. This craft was later to be flown at a speed of 497mph under the power of a rocket motor, and was shipped back to the US at the end of the war along with its creator. The DM-1 was to inspire the design of many US delta-wing aircraft such as the F-102 and F-104.
Lippisch joined Collins Radio Company as an expert on special aeronautical problems and in 1966 founded the `Lippisch Corporation'. He went on to develop the X-113A Aerofoil Boat before dying in 1976 at the age of 81.
Another craft that looked suspiciously like a `flying disk' was the AS-6. This craft was built by Arthur Sack following encouragement from Ernst Udet, Germany's Air Minister in 1939.

Constructed at the Mitteldeutsche Motorwerke Company, and completed at the Flugplatz-Werkstatt at the Brandis Air Base in early 1944, the plane was not a success, and not further developed.
A similar craft to the AS-6, the V-173, was built by `Chance-Vought', and known as the `flying pancake'. The V-173 has the honour of being the one occasion that the US authorities actually `admitted' that technologies developed in Germany during the war years could account for the wave of UFOs seen over America in the 1940s.
The Navy released this picture of a V-173 in 1947 during the wave of UFO excitement generated by Kenneth Arnold's sighting and the headline of the saucer crash at Roswell.

The Navy stated that the V-173 was the only craft in operation at that time that could in any way come close to the flying disks being sighted everywhere.
Certainly the V-173, or another development at Chance-Vought was mistaken for a UFO by a local resident Thomas C. Smith whilst working for the company a year before the famous Roswell incident.
In 1997 Smith disclosed his story which appeared in the Lancaster New Era newspaper in Lancaster, Pennsylvania on 12th July, 1997. In the article Smith stated he had seen a flying saucer, but not a visitor from another planet but one that "was a human-engineered, experimental aircraft nestled in a Connecticut hangar.
"`My God, what is that?' the 20-year-old Smith wondered. `It was standing there on these stilts.' It reminded Smith of something out of Orson Welles' 1938 radio broadcast `The War of the Worlds,' about a Martian invasion of Earth. Armed with U.S. government security clearance, Smith watched, he says, as the 40-foot-wide elliptical craft hovered 10 feet off the ground and flew away, driven by twin propellers. A pilot lying in a cramped cockpit guided the craft. Smith, now a retired 72-year-old executive, recalled the experience during the UFO frenzy created by the 50th anniversary of the Roswell episode this month. Does he have proof that a craft like the one he saw crashed in Roswell during a test flight? No, but he says he believes that theory is more probable than visitors from outer space.
At the time, Smith was a mechanical-engineering graduate just out of Penn State University. He was working for Chance-Vought Aircraft in Stratford, Conn., which was building planes for the U.S. Navy. Smith was testing the high-altitude bonding of a composite material: wood sandwiched between two layers of metal.
He says he was curious about what would be built with the material, and since he had security clearance, a supervisor led him into a guarded hangar. He was shown a new jet the company was developing, but his attention was attracted to the other craft in the hangar, a flying saucer made of the material he had been testing.
`It was very streamlined,' Smith recalls. The khaki-coloured saucer was a few inches thick at the edges to about two feet thick at the pilot's cockpit, which had a bubble window allowing the pilot to look forward and down at the ground. `I saw him get in, and he lay down flat,' Smith says. The craft had two propellers and rudders in the back. Smith went back at night to watch test flights. The saucer, he says, would float straight up, then fly off.

`They'd get it off the ground and it would disappear' into the darkness, he says. He says there were reports in the area of unidentified flying objects. About the time he left Chance-Vought in 1947, it moved operations to Texas, where it would have better conditions for test flights, Smith says." (24) Thus, Chance-Vought moved to a state next to New Mexico the year of the Roswell crash.
Other aircraft, at the time, seemed equally unconventional. In the 1930s and 1940s in Germany, the Horten brothers, Walter and Reimar, built a range of planes that they called the `Ho' series. The first of this series, the Ho I, was a simple flying-wing sail plane.

By the end of that decade the brothers had developed the Ho III, a metal framed glider that was fitted with a folding blade propeller for flight. Then in 1944 they finished the prototype HO IX, their first combat intended design, powered by the Junkers Jumo 004B turbojets, the craft had a metal frame and plywood exterior It made its maiden flight on 2nd February 1945 and satisfied with its performance, the Air Ministry ordered forty of the craft to be built by the Goetha Waggonfabrik under the designation Ho-229.

When the US Third US Army Corps reached the Goetha plant on 14th April 1945 they took over the factory, and shipped back to the US the near completed HO IX V3.
Another similar looking craft was this `airplane' photographed in Germany at the end of the war.

In fact, many of these German designs seemingly account for many of the reports of Unidentified Flying Objects seen over the US after the war.

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