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Reports generally describe this class of UFOs as large, silent, black triangular objects hovering or slowly cruising at low altitudes over cities and highways. Sightings usually take place at night. These objects are often described as having pulsing colored lights that appear at each corner of the triangle.[2]
Black triangle UFOs have been reported to be visible to radar, as was the case with the famous Belgian UFO wave. During these incidents, two Belgian F-16s attempted to intercept the objects (getting a successful missile lock at two occasions) only to be outmaneuvered; a key conclusion of the Project Condign report was that no attempt should be made on the part of civilian or RAF Air Defence aircraft to outmaneuver these objects except to place them astern to mitigate the risk of collision. [3]
UK Ministry of Defence Report Findings
The report states: "Occasionally and perhaps exceptionally, it seems that a field with, as yet, undetermined characteristics, can exist between certain charged buoyant objects in loose formation, such that, depending on the viewing aspect, the intervening space between them forms an area (viewed as a shape, often triangular) from which the reflection of light does not occur. This is a key finding in the attribution of what have frequently been reported as black 'craft,' often triangular and even up to hundreds of feet in length." These plasma formations also have the effect through "magnetic, electric or electromagnetic (or even unknown field), appears to emanate from some of the buoyant charged masses. Local fields of this type have been medically proven to cause responses in the temporal lobes of the human brain. These result in the observer sustaining his or her own vivid, but mainly incorrect, description of what is experienced. This is suggested to be a key factor in influencing the more extreme reports found in the media and are clearly believed by the 'victims.'[7]
Recently un-redacted sections of the report state that Russian, Former Soviet Republics, and Chinese authorities have made a co-ordinated effort to understand the UAP topic and that Russian investigators have measured (or at least detected) 'fields' which are reported to have caused human effects when they are located close to the phenomena. According to the Ministry of Defence researchers, Russian scientists have connected their UAP work with plasmas and the wider potential use of plasmas and may have done "considerably more work (than is evident from open sources)" on military applications, for example using UAP -type radiated fields to affect humans, and the possibility of producing and launching plasmas as decoys. [8]
On March 30, 1993 multiple witnesses across south-west and west England saw a large black triangle at low speeds. Analysis of the sightings by Nick Pope concluded that the object moved in a north-easterly course from Cornwall to Shropshire over a period of approximately 6 hours.
The sightings report clearly visible objects over densely populated areas and highways, mostly in the United States and Britain, but other parts of the world as well. A geographic distribution of U.S. sightings has been correlated by a currently inactive American-based investigative organization, the National Institute for Discovery Science, which led to a July 2002 report which suggested that the craft may belong to the U.S. Air Force;[9] however, a subsequent report in August 2004 by the same organization (NIDS) found that the rash of sightings did not conform to previous deployment of black project aircraft and that the objects' origins and agendas were unknown.[10]
Other Sightings
Rendlesham Forest incident
Main article: Rendlesham Forest incident
A pyramid-shaped craft was reported to have landed near an American air base at Rendlesham Forest in Suffolk,
England on December 27, 1980. Military personnel reported having
approached at least one landed craft in the forest and observed it in
great detail before it once again took flight. Another craft was
observed landing in an open field near the base and then taking off at
incredible speed. Between 2002 and 2005, reporter Bryant Gumbel hosted a series of exclusive SciFi Channel documentaries, one of which, entitled UFO Invasion at Rendlesham,
focused on this incident. Gumbel interviewed some of the men involved
with the sighting, and the documentary toured some of the scenes,
attempting to gather evidence that something landed in the forest. The History Channel also aired an episode of UFO Files on the incident, calling it "Britain's Roswell".Four US military personnel went to investigate what they believed to be a possible downed aircraft in the forest when they saw unexplained lights; they then saw a series of lights whilst in the forest. Only one of four personnel who went to investigate the lights claimed to have actually seen an actual craft, but this account emerged some time after in the initial incident, causing issues with its veracity and reliability. In particular, the craft was not witnessed by the three others who went with him that night. Natural phemomena such as a nearby lighthouse and barking Muntjac deer have been offered as explanations for what was seen and heard. MoD papers on the subject say nothing occurred that night which was of concern to British airspace security.
Belgian Air Force report
Main article: Belgian UFO wave
On March 30, 1990, citizens of the city of Eupen
spotted what appeared to be a large black triangular craft hovering
silently over the city for several minutes. Local police officials
arrived on the scene and reported observing the object as it appeared to
hover over apartment buildings. One officer reported that the object
released a red glowing disk of light from its center which flew down to
the ground and darted around several buildings before disappearing.[citation needed]Phoenix Lights incident
Main article: Phoenix Lights
One of the more famous appearances of these craft was during the
event known as the "Phoenix Lights", where multiple unidentified
objects, many of them black triangles, were spotted by the residents of Phoenix, Arizona
and videotaped by both the local media and residents with camcorders
across multiple evenings beginning on Thursday, March 13, 1997. Some
lights drifted as low as 1000 feet and moved far too slowly for
conventional aircraft and too silently for helicopters. Some of the
lights appeared to group up in a giant "V" formation that lingered above
the city for several minutes. Many residents reported one triangle to
be over a mile wide that drifted slowly over their houses blocking out
the stars of the night sky. Other reports indicated the craft were
spotted flying away from Phoenix as far away as Las Vegas, Nevada and Los Angeles, California.An official report made by the Air Force about the incident concluded that the military had been testing flares launched from conventional aircraft during that time. Eyewitnesses confirmed military jets were scrambled from nearby Luke Air Force Base, but instead of launching flares, they were seen chasing after some of the objects.
The next few nights, in an attempt to recreate the incident, local pilots flew prop-planes over the city in a "V" formation, but the sounds of their engines were easily heard. The original lights made no sound. Flares were also deployed above Phoenix. Comparison of the video taken of the lights (which appeared at night) against daytime images of the same scene show that the lights "disappear" at the exact moment they are shown to fall behind a mountain range. The mountains were invisible against the night sky. There were apparently no reported radar sightings of the objects which appears to be consistent with the flare theory.
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